

Support to Military Operations

One of the highest priorities for the Intelligence Community is to ensure that military commanders receive timely and accurate information to successfully execute their combat missions while minimizing the loss of American lives. The Intelligence Community provides the military with a wide array of support, ranging from an encyclopedia of basic information on foreign military forces, logistics, climate, and terrain to precise targeting information and battle damage assessments (BDA). In support of long-term planning, the Intelligence Community provides the US military with assessments based on all-source analyses of future force dispositions, capabilities, and intentions of foreign militaries. The Intelligence Community also assesses the capabilities of current and anticipated weapon systems of potential opponents. Such information is needed to prevent technological surprise and to ensure the technological superiority of US military equipment.

In addition to supporting the many facets of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, the Intelligence Community supported military operations last year in four critical areas:  Force Protection and Warning; Force Modernization; Operational Campaign Planning and Execution; and Training and Readiness.


Force Protection and Warning

  • The NIC's Warning Committee developed a list of worldwide, short-term potential crises that might require US military involvement, which it updates semiannually.

  • CIA produced assessments for policymakers and senior US military commanders on the potential threat to US forces operating in and around the Taiwan Strait.

  • NGA created the Airfield Infrastructure Intelligence Model (AIIM) utilizing GIS digital data set information for intelligence purposes. The AIIM is a three-dimensional graphic representation of all airfield features, navigational aids, and movement surfaces, incorporating all airfield data and intelligence. These planning models were used by combat aircrews on military missions and by DHS for force protection.

  • NGA developed the Digital Mapping and Reconnaissance Tool to prepare situational awareness products for force protection at NGA facilities and the Transportation Security Administration. This system captured a wide-variety of imagery—ground level, rooftop, and distance shots—and location information vital to making site security decisions, safety assessments, and mission planning.

  • NGA provided on-site geodetic and astronomical control for a Ground Based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) system. This system charts the positions of space-based objects to prevent collisions with newly launched satellites and space shuttles.  With more than 9500 manmade objects in orbit around the earth, ranging in size from a baseball to the International Space Station, it is a critical element of the Air Force space control mission and important to future missile launch operations.

  • The NIC evaluated foreign threats to US space systems and their ability to threaten US GPS capabilities.

  • The NIC published Foreign Ballistic Missile Developments and the Threat Through 2015.

  • WSSIC prepared an assessment of high-power microwave weapons and their impact on multifunctional radio frequency systems.

  • The Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) completed unclassified studies on police forces in 32 countries. These studies expanded the database of information on foreign law enforcement forces and their capabilities as an aid to US deploying forces, who frequently interact with local law enforcement organizations in planning and conducting operations. 

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Force Modernization

  • From 1 February 2003 to 30 September 2003, the United States Atomic Energy Detection System's Atmospheric Sciences Team developed and executed novel airborne environmental air-sampling missions supporting global atmospheric research. The team executed 26 demanding, low-altitude missions meeting multiple national requirements, resulting in data used by national authorities for foreign policy development.

  • NGA developed the Precision Fire System, which determines accurate positions of objects being photographed via multiple means. UAV flight tests demonstrated that this system reduced processing time and significantly improved time-tagging of digital imagery from Global Positioning System information.

  • The National Air and Space Intelligence Center led the development and production of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) System Threat Assessment Report. The JSF, a multinational acquisition program involving nine countries (the US, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, and the UK), is being developed to replace an aging inventory of aircraft that is too expensive to maintain. The JSF, with its advanced performance and characteristics, will counter the advancing threat posed in the 2010-2050 timeframe.

  • Joint Intelligence Center Pacific (JICPAC) designed, developed, integrated, and deployed an ultra-thin client that allows users to access many different security domains from a single workstation. This initiative provides solutions for exchanging data with a wide variety of customers at different security levels. From the operational perspective, it provides users with unfettered access to virtually all available data from a single workstation. From a financial perspective, the "cost per seat" is significantly reduced, as are the costs for infrastructure and new security domains or networks.

NGA Precision Fire System

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Operational Campaign Planning and Execution

  • NGA provided special support to the USSOCOM and USCENTCOM "Seize and Hold" target list. More than 40 targets such as POL facilities, dams, airfields and palaces were to be taken down for allied occupation. High resolution terrain models, smart vector data, map layouts, and 3D perspective visualizations were generated containing the intricate detail needed for Special Forces Direct Action mission planning.

  • NGA supported the Trident program by computing specialized gravity intelligence products. These gravity intelligence data sets fulfilled Trident's fire control requirements covering regional areas of operation in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. In 2003, NGA delivered over 1.2 million squares of data sets, filling previously void areas, which resulted in the Trident missile-targeting accuracy improving approximately four percent.

  • A DIA Balkans analyst on temporary duty to Bosnia assisted with an investigation into illegal arms smuggling by Bosnian Serbs. This investigation halted a widespread conspiracy to provide military equipment and services to Iraq and other sensitive countries. 

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Training and Readiness

  • JICPAC recently launched a new civilian recruiting initiative to accelerate US Pacific Command's (USPACOM) efforts for building core analytical capabilities to match changing intelligence requirements. JICPAC sought and received direct-hire authority for entry-level candidates. It attracted excellent applicants by launching an aggressive recruiting campaign using internally developed, professional-grade promotional materials (including a public web site) and providing modest recruitment bonuses.

  • JICPAC also created an in-house collateral training facility, coordinated an accelerated Secret-level security clearance process, and developed a special entry-level training program that will enable analysts to be productive even before they receive their Top Secret clearances.

  • IOTC culminated a year of providing technical expertise and guidance to US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) by supporting their successful large-scale demonstration of an important Computer Network Operation (CNO) functionality.

  • IOTC provided exceptional technical and professional support to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff No-Notice Interoperability Exercise (NIEX) ELIGIBLE RECEIVER -03. The team responded to a complex counterterrorism scenario, providing effective, customized technical capabilities within a 76-hour window.

  • IOTC, in conjunction with a Service partner, satisfied USPACOM requirements for exercise TERMINAL FURY ‘04. IOTC developed and delivered a CNO capability that was a critical piece of this exercise. IOTC also provided extensive follow-on support, training the operators on use of the capability and customizing the tool for the specific environment.

  • NGA produced a Terra Explorer Fly-Through, containing IKONOS 1 meter multi-spectral imagery, for the Marine Corp. This explorer Fly-Through was over the Gettysburg National Military Park to be used for professional military education at the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College.

  • NGA launched at the 2003 USPACOM's Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) Conference the new digital Noncombatant Evacuation Operations package (DNEOPack) prototype. The DNEOPack contains commercial and foreign maps, imagery analysis products such as Intelligence Information Briefs, Emergency Action Plans, hand-held photographs, and airfield and foundation data. The DNEOPack provides all-new interactive reference graphics, which include city graphics or if more current a native tourist map, annotated imagery, diplomatic facility data, force protection information, evacuation assembly areas, emergency evacuation routes, current intelligence information, and medical information.

  • The NSA designed and developed a robust OPSEC program for the extended NSA Enterprise.  The program, implemented on 1 October 2003, involves training and awareness for all NSA civilian employees, as well as enterprise-wide OPSEC assessments. Moreover, all new NSA employees will receive OPSEC classroom instruction as they enter on duty. NSA employees who hold certain security positions, such as Staff Security Officers, have received additional, more intensive training.

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Posted: May 01, 2007 09:10 AM
Last Updated: Jan 03, 2012 12:56 PM