Servane Briand

Studio E-3

Printmaking, Book Art

Artist Statement

Living in Silicon Valley and making artists’ books is exhilarating. When some may blame the digital revolution for the demise of the book, one could also argue that it allowed the extraordinary vitality of the artist book. I am an enthusiastic reader and have always loved books. This naturally led me to want to make my own. Starting in 2006, I studied printmaking, papermaking, bookbinding. I also revisited my favorite poets and discovered many I did not know. Along the way, I have been lucky to have extraordinary teachers whose levels of craftsmanship and artistry is unique. I also was able to work on several collaborations and greatly enjoyed it.

In creating a book, I enjoy the ability to work from these different perspectives and putting them together. I like that inspiration can arise from different places but that in the end the pieces must fit together, a bit like a puzzle. I like that I get to use very ancient tools and techniques and the latest technology too.  And often, I have to ask for help which leads to collaborations! It’s a wonderful challenge and the narrative is always moving forward.

In pursuing the book as art object, I am also interested in what happens when the object gets manipulated. The reader/viewer invents yet another narrative. He or she tells a story and while I may not capture it, I am curious at what it is and what if? More of my work in the coming years will explore what happens in this territory. I cherish our ability to be moved by works of art and I love witnessing it.   

A Book of Bones, 2103, artist book, coptic binding

Les Bicyclettes Font La Chaîne, 2014, artist book with round box

Looking4pr2, 2015, artist book with round box

Contact Info

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2015