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2007-2009 Fusion Center Success Stories

Fusion centers play a unique role in protecting their communities, informing decision making, and enhancing information sharing activities among law enforcement and homeland security partners. The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) helps the National Network of Fusion Centers to develop and implement their capabilities by leading federal interagency efforts to share information and products, conduct training, deploy personnel, and provide connectivity to classified and unclassified systems. These 2007-2009 success stories and best practices illustrate the value of the national network of fusion centers in preventing, protecting against, and responding to criminal and terrorist threats.

Fusion Center Supports Zazi Investigation

Colorado Information Analysis Center, September 2009

In the Najibullah Zazi case, the CIAC provided analytic support to the Denver FBI and the Department of Homeland Security regarding the suspicious activity reported to the CIAC through the public website and 1-800 number. In support of this effort, the CIAC provided personnel to assist the Denver FBI in the investigation and support the field operations. CIAC analysts also assisted in the review and analysis of the evidence obtained during the execution of the search and arrest warrants. CIAC leadership addressed media inquiries regarding the investigation, the threat to Colorado residents, and the threat to national security.

Fusion Center Supports Identification of North Carolina-based Terrorist Group

North Carolina Information Sharing and Analysis Center, August 2009

The North Carolina Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAAC) contributed to the August 2009 arrest of Daniel Patrick Boyd, who was accused of recruiting individuals to take part in a conspiracy to advance violent jihad, including supporting and participating in terrorist activities abroad.   Information developed through ISAAC’s community outreach program, an effort to increase public awareness of the center and its mission, alerted fusion center personnel to a group of homegrown extremists plotting in a rural area south of Raleigh, North Carolina.  This information was subsequently shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  The suspect’s trial made national news as he and members of his group were convicted of funding, training, and recruiting militants overseas.   Seven members of the group were sentenced to prison and Boyd is serving an 18 year sentence.  (StarNews Online (February 22, 2013). “Anti-terror agency points to N.C. case as example of success” at

Fusion Center Supports Bomb Threat Case

Central California Intelligence Center, May 2008

The Central California Intelligence Center (CCIC) coordinated with its co-located JTTF in a case that resulted in the May 2008 federal grand jury indictment of two men charged with making bomb threats to Delta Airlines and the U.S. Embassy in Italy. Intelligence analysts at the CCIC provided relevant background to enable JTTF agents to interview the subjects. Both men were charged with one count of making a hoax threat under Section 1038(a) of Title 18. One defendant was also charged with threatening to destroy an aircraft, and the other was charged with making a threat to destroy a building with explosives. The former pled guilty in May 2009 and was sentenced to 36 months probation; the prosecution of the latter defendant was deferred in March 2009 for 18 months while he participates in a psychiatric treatment program.

Fusion Center Support Prevents an International Kidnapping

Central California Intelligence Center, May 2008

In May 2008, the Central California Intelligence Center (CCIC) played a key role in disrupting the attempted kidnapping of a three year-old child. The CCIC coordinated with a Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office Task Force Commander on an Amber Alert for the child, noting the suspect was wanted for rape and murder and had intentions to leave the country. In collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center (NOC), local law enforcement, and Interpol, the suspect and the kidnapped child were tracked to a flight bound for the Netherlands. With only hours to spare, the CICC coordinated with authorities to ensure law enforcement in Amsterdam detained the subject. As a result of this effort, the child was found unharmed.

Fusion Center Aids in Preventing "Virginia Tech Style" Attack

Multiple Fusion Centers, January 2008

In January 2008, the Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center (STIC) received information that a Virginia man had claimed to be traveling to the University of Illinois to kill a female subject and her boyfriend and carry out a "Virginia Tech style" shooting on the university campus. The STIC, in cooperation with the Virginia Fusion Center, produced and disseminated an Intelligence Alert to hundreds of state and local law enforcement officers nationwide within two hours of the initial notification. The Virginia State Police, working with local law enforcement, located and detained the suspect the next day. The FBI subsequently adopted the case, and the subject pled guilty to five counts of transmitting in interstate commerce and communications threatening to injure the person of another. The subject was sentenced to 48 months in prison and will serve three years supervised parole.


Last Published Date: July 28, 2015

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