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Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model

Methodology and Supporting Documents for the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model

Current methodology and technical appendices

Methodology Document for RSEI Model Version 2.3.3, July 2015 -- describes data and methods used in RSEI modeling.

There are also six technical appendices that accompany these two documents and provide additional information on the data used in the model. The appendices are as follows:

Toxicity Weighting Spreadsheet v2.3.3 (Excel)(1 pg, 142 K)  shows the RSEI toxicity weights and their sources.

Physicochemical Data Spreadsheet v2.3.3 (Excel)(1 pg, 129 K) shows the chemical parameters used in modeling and their sources. 

Supporting documents

In addition, there are two documents containing background and supporting information:

Analyses Performed for the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators contains three parts:

  • Part A describes the result of a ground-truthing analyses performed to determine the accuracy of the air pathway modeling;
  • Part B contains additional analyses performed on the air pathway to determine optimal modeling parameters; and
  • Part C describes the results of an analysis of a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code-based stack parameter data.

Developing the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators describes the development of the RSEI model, and outlines options that were considered for several important aspects of the method.

Looking for older documentation? Browse RSEI historical reference documents.