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Molecular Bioengineering For Medicine & Biotechnology
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Vreeland WN, Meagher RJ, Barron AE, 'Multiplexed, high-throughput genotyping by single-base extension and End-Labeled Free-Solution Electrophoresis (ELFSE),' Anal. Chem. 2002, 74: 4328-4333. pdf reprint

Kourkine IV, Hestekin CN, Buchholz BA, Barron AE, "High-throughput, high-sensitivity genetic mutation detection by tandem single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) / heteroduplex analysis (HA) capillary array electrophoresis (CAE)," Anal. Chem. 2002, 74: 2565-2572. pdf reprint

Sanborn TJ, Wu CW, Zuckermann RN, Barron AE, "Extreme stability of helices formed by water-soluble poly-N-substituted glycines (polypeptoids) with a-chiral side chains," Biopolymers 2002, 63: 12-20. pdf reprint

Won JI, Barron AE, "A new cloning method for the preparation of long, repetitive polypeptides without a sequence requirement," Macromolecules 2002, 35: 8281-8287. pdf reprint

Kourkine IV, Hestekin CN, Magnusdottir SO, Barron AE, "Optimized sample preparation methods for tandem capillary electrophoresis single -strand conformation polymorphism / heteroduplex analysis (CE-SSCP/HA)," Biotechniques 2002, 33: 318-325. pdf reprint

Doherty EAS, Berglund KD, Buchholz BA, Kourkine IV, Tilton RD Barron AE, "Critical factors for high-performance physically adsorbed (dynamic) polymeric wall coatings for microchannel electrophoresis of DNA," Electrophoresis 2002, 23: 2766-2776. pdf reprint

Sanborn TJ, Messersmith PB, Barron AE, "In situ crosslinking of a biomimetic peptide-PEG hydrogel via thermally triggered activation of Factor XIII," Biomaterials 2002, 23: 2703-2710. pdf reprint

Barbier V, Buchholz BA, Barron AE, Viovy J-L, "Comb-like co-polymers as self-coating low-viscosity and high-resolution matrices for DNA sequencing," Electrophoresis 2002, 23: 1441-1449. pdf reprint

Albarghouthi MN, Buchholz BA, Huiberts PJ, Stein TM, Barron AE, "Poly-N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide (polyDuramide): A novel hydrophilic, self-coating polymer matrix for DNA sequencing by capillary electrophoresis," Electrophoresis 2002, 23: 1429-1440. pdf reprint

He H, Buchholz BA, Kotler L, Miller AW, Barron AE, Karger BL, "DNA sequencing with hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers at elevated column temperatures," Electrophoresis 2002, 23: 1421-1428. pdf reprint

Buchholz BA, Shi W, Barron AE, "Microchannel DNA sequencing matrices with switchable viscosities," Electrophoresis 2002, 23: 1398-1409. (review article) pdf reprint

Kourkine IV, Hestekin CN, Barron AE, "Technical challenges in applying Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) - Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) / heterduplex analysis (HA) capillary array electrophoresis (CAE)," Electrophoresis 2002, 23: 1375-1385. (review article) pdf reprint

Vreeland WN, Slater GW, Barron AE, "Profiling solid-phase synthesis products by free-solution conjugate capillary electrophoresis," Bioconjugate Chem. 2002, 13: 663-670. pdf reprint

Vreeland WN, Barron AE, "Functional materials for microscale genomic and proteomic analyses," Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2002, 13: 287-294. (review article) pdf reprint

Patch JA, Barron AE, "Mimicry of bioactive peptides via non-natural, sequence-specific peptidomimetic oligomers," Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2002, 6: 872-877. pdf reprint

C.W. Wu and A.E. Barron, "Biomimetic Lung Surfactant Replacements," in Biomimetic Materials and Design: Biointerfacial Strategies, Tissue Engineering and Targeted Drug Delivery, A.K. Dillow and A. Lowman, Eds. (2002) Marcel-Dekker Publishers, New York. (book chapter) pdf reprint