Office of Justice Programs (OJP)



Program TopicIds

Active Shooter Response Training
The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center’s active shooter program trains state and local law enforcement on how to effectively and safely respond to active shooter events.

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Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Initiative
BJA's efforts to combat human trafficking are two-pronged: 1) to develop training for law enforcement and communities to identify trafficking in persons and rescue victims by working with federal law enforcement and victims service providers; and 2) to support and fund task forces in coordination with other agencies.

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BJA Visiting Fellows Program
The BJA Visiting Fellows Program brings talent and expertise from the field to BJA to inform policy and practice and create new tools for the field to disseminate knowledge of effective and innovative approaches to priority criminal justice issues.

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Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs)
BJA's Body-Worn Camera Team developed the National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit website. The Toolkit is a web-based information system that provides a comprehensive clearinghouse for criminal justice practitioners interested in planning and implementing a body-worn camera program in an effort to strengthen community trust and confidence in the

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Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program
BVP is designed to provide a critical resource to state and local law enforcement.

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Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program
The Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) is a part of the Obama Administration’s larger Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI) that helps local and tribal communities develop place-based, community-oriented strategies with coordinated federal support to change neighborhoods of distress into neighborhoods of opportunity.

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Capital Case Litigation Initiative (CCLI)
CCLI provides high-quality training on death penalty issues to improve legal representation provided to indigent defendants charged with having committed capital crimes and to enhance the ability of prosecutors to effectively represent the public in state capital cases.

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Combating Methamphetamine Abuse
BJA provides information and resources to communities to address methamphetamine, including prevention and education programs as well as support for enforcement efforts.

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Community-Based Problem-Solving Criminal Justice Initiative
The goal of this initiative is to test proven problem-solving justice strategies in a wider variety of settings.

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Correctional Systems and Correctional Alternatives on Tribal Lands (CSCATL)
This program is designed to help tribes construct and/or renovate correctional facilities on tribal lands that are used for the incarceration of offenders subject to tribal jurisdiction.

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Crime Analysis
To increase crime analysis capacity nationally, BJA funds guidance, training, and technical assistance designed to directly support law enforcement agencies.

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Cyber Center
Coordinated by BJA, its TTA partners will develop a Law Enforcement Cyber Center. This is a web-based information system that will provide local, state and tribal law enforcement officers with critical resources to help them learn, investigate and solve cybercrimes; share cyber threat information; and collaborate with regional and federal authorit

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Defense Procurement Fraud Debarment (DPFD) Clearinghouse
The DPFD Clearinghouse is the single point of contact for contractors or subcontractors of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to promptly confirm whether potential employees have been convicted of fraud or any other felony arising out of a contract with DoD.

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Denial of Federal Benefits (DFB) Program
The DFB Program provides state and federal courts—as part of the sentencing process—with the ability to deny all or selected federal benefits to individuals who are convicted of drug trafficking or drug possession.

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Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program
This program provides financial and technical assistance to develop and implement treatment drug courts that effectively integrate substance abuse treatment, mandatory drug testing, sanctions and incentives, and transitional services in a judicially supervised court setting.

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Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs
The Field-Initiated Program serves to support national, regional, state, local and tribal focused projects that develop and implement new strategies that better equip criminal justice systems to prevent and respond to emerging and chronic crime problems plaguing communities throughout the country.

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Enhancing Campus Safety and Security
BJA has worked with partners in the field to develop a variety of resources that address the diverse make-up of campus law enforcement departments that will assist them in addressing all forms of campus public safety concerns.

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Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Many programs within BJA offer faith-based and community organizations opportunities for funding through grants, subgrants, service contracts, or technical assistance services.

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Federal Surplus Property Transfer Program
BJA's role in this program is to make recommendations as to whether (1) the use proposed by the state or unit of local government meets the requirements of the statute; and (2) the environmental impact of the proposed transfer has been properly assessed under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

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Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative
The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) serves as a Federal Advisory Committee and advises the U.S. Attorney General on justice information sharing and integration initiatives. Global was created to support the broad scale exchange of pertinent justice and public safety information.

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Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (IASAP)
IASAP provides funding and technical assistance to federally recognized tribal governments to plan, implement, or enhance tribal justice strategies to address crime issues related to alcohol and substance abuse.

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Intellectual Property (IP) Theft Enforcement Program
This program is designed to build the capacity of state and local criminal justice systems to address criminal intellectual property enforcement through increased prosecution, prevention, training, and technical assistance availability.

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John R. Justice (JRJ) Program
The JRJ Program provides loan repayment assistance for state and federal public defenders and state prosecutors who agree to remain employed as public defenders and prosecutors for at least three years.

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Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP)
The purpose of JMHCP is to increase public safety by facilitating collaboration among the criminal justice, juvenile justice, mental health treatment, and substance abuse systems to increase access to treatment for this unique group of offenders.

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Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
JAG provides states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution/courts, crime prevention/education, corrections/community corrections, drug treatment/enforcement, planning, evaluation, technology improvement, and crime victim and witness initiatives.

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Justice Information Sharing (JIS) Initiative
This program works collaboratively with key stakeholders and national partner organizations to identify critical issues and problems, and provide resources in response to emerging challenges in criminal justice.

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Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI)
The purpose of the JRI is to provide technical assistance and competitive financial support to states, counties, cities, and tribal authorities that are either currently engaged in justice reinvestment or are well positioned to undertake such work.

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Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery (CBOB) Program
This award honors exceptional acts of bravery in the line of duty by federal, state, and local law enforcement officers.

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Law Enforcement Forecasting Group (LEFG)
BJA created the Law Enforcement Forecasting Group (LEFG) in an effort to identify emerging issues that may result in overarching policy implications for the criminal justice field.

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Law Enforcement Planning for Major Events
When law enforcement executives are tasked with managing a large-scale event, they can maximize their efforts by learning from other agencies and adopting proven practices. Too often, past lessons learned are not documented in a clear and concise manner. BJA is working to provide the field with resources and tools to address this information gap.

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Leading by Legacy Program
With support from BJA, the Leading by Legacy program provides a variety of no-cost resources to rural agencies.

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Mental Health Courts Program
This program funds projects that seek to mobilize communities to implement innovative, collaborative efforts that bring systemwide improvements to the way the needs of adult offenders with mental disabilities or illnesses are addressed.

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Mortgage Fraud and Home Foreclosures: Community Impacts and Collaborative Responses
BJA is offering services for state and local agencies and organizations that need help in their efforts to prevent, investigate, and prosecute mortgage fraud and vacant property crimes.

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National Animal Cruelty and Fighting Initiative for the Prevention and Reduction of Violent Crime
This initiative is designed to provide prosecutors and their criminal justice partners with the training and resources necessary to raise awareness to the connection between domestic violence, children exposed to violence, elder abuse and gangs to animal abuse.

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National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS)
NMVTIS is designed to prevent various types of automobile theft and fraud by providing an electronic means for verifying and exchanging title, brand, theft, and other data among state motor vehicle titling agencies, law enforcement officials, consumers, and other authorized users of the system.

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Northern Border Prosecution Initiative (NBPI)
NBPI provides funds to eligible jurisdictions in the fourteen northern border states, using a uniform payment-per-case basis for qualifying federally initiated and declined-referred criminal cases that were disposed of after October 1, 2005.

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Officer Safety and Wellness Initiatives
Through BJA's comprehensive officer safety programs, state, local, and tribal law enforcement executives and their officers receive quality training, technical assistance, and resources to help them prepare for and prevent violent attacks against their peers.

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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
The purpose of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program is to enhance the capacity of regulatory and law enforcement agencies to collect and analyze controlled substance prescription data.

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Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP)
PIECP places inmates in realistic work environments, pays them prevailing wages, and gives them a chance to develop marketable skills that will increase their potential for rehabilitation and meaningful employment on release.

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Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
This program provides funding to state and local governments and federally recognized tribes for demonstration projects within confinement settings including, adult prisons and jails, juvenile facilities; community corrections facilities; law enforcement lockups and other temporary holding facilities, and tribal detention facilities.

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Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)
PSN is a nationwide commitment to reduce gun and gang crime in America by networking existing local programs that target gun and gun crime and providing these programs with additional tools necessary to be successful.

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Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor (MOV)
The highest national award for valor by a public safety officer, MOV is awarded annually by the President to public safety officers who have exhibited exceptional courage, regardless of personal safety, in the attempt to save or protect human life.

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Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Programs
PSOB Programs provide death and education benefits to survivors of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders, and disability benefits to officers catastrophically injured in the line of duty.

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Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT) Program
The RSAT Program assists states and units of local government in developing and implementing residential substance abuse treatment programs in state and local correctional and detention facilities.

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Second Chance Act (SCA)
Signed into law by President Bush on April 9, 2008, the Second Chance Act of 2007 helps to ensure that the transition from prison or jail to the community is safe and successful.

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Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI)
(SAKI), administered by BJA, provides funding through a $41 million competitive grant program to support the comprehensive reform of jurisdictions' approaches to sexual assault cases resulting from evidence found in sexual assault kits (SAKs) that have never been submitted to a crime laboratory.

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Smart Policing Initiative (SPI)
SPI is a collaborative consortium composed of BJA, CNA, and local law enforcement agencies that are testing solutions to serious crime problems in their jurisdictions.

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Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative (SWBPI)
SWBPI provides funds to eligible jurisdictions in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas.

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State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP)
SCAAP provides federal payments to states and localities that incurred correctional officer salary costs for incarcerating undocumented criminal aliens with at least one felony or two misdemeanor convictions for violations of state or local law, and incarcerated for at least 4 consecutive days during the reporting period.

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Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN)
This program was created to assist states in building, implementing, and improving victim notification capacity.

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Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance (TCCLA) Program
The goal of TCCLA is to 1) enhance the operations of tribal justice systems and improve access to those systems, and 2) provide training and technical assistance for development and enhancement of tribal justice systems.

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Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP)
BJA administers grants to support the development, implementation, enhancement, and continuing operation of tribal judicial systems.

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Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA)
TLOA provided legislative authorities and resources to tribal communities across the United States to enhance their tribal justice systems.

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VALOR: Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement Officers and Ensuring Officer Resilience and Survivability
VALOR is designed to prevent violence against law enforcement officers and ensure officer resilience and survivability following violent encounters during the course of their duties.

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Violence Reduction Network (VRN)
The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Violence Reduction Network (VRN) is a comprehensive approach to violence reduction that complements the U.S. Attorney General’s Smart on Crime Initiative by leveraging the vast array of existing resources across DOJ components to reduce violence in some of the country’s most violent cities. VRN brings to the t

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Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing (VOI/TIS) Incentive Program
VOI/TIS grant funds allowed states to build or expand correctional facilities to increase the bed capacity for the confinement of persons convicted of Part 1 violent crimes or adjudicated delinquents for an act that, if committed by an adult, would be a Part 1 violent crime.

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Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)
The VIPS Program provides support and resources for agencies interested in developing or enhancing a volunteer program and for citizens who wish to volunteer their time and skills with a community law enforcement agency.

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