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Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday Bobbleheads

Face the Nation has President Scott Brown

This Week has The Clenis.

Meet the Press has Timmeh, Ed Rendell, and Marsha Blackburn

Document the atrocities!

Head Over to Rising Hegemon

and watch the video. Scum indeed.

I'd love to see an American news show that had the ovaries to air that.

Thanks res ipsa loquitar for reviving that.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Late Night Thread

Saturday Evening Thread

A little something to get you excited about the Sunday shows.

Evening Thread

Minor league baseball for me.

Wanker of the Day

Box Turtle Ben.

Lunch Thread



Looks like I missed a very hungry FDIC yesterday. 8 banks eated!


I keep trying to come up with scenarios that would allow an international organization to systematically cover-up, and even enable, the sexual abuse of children Like, imagine the Montessori program turned out to be an organization that permitted their practitioners to break molestation laws, and covered up for them.

I can't see how the organization would last a month.

The idea that the Church can have its members pray the hierarchy's way out of this seems absurd on its face. And yet we have seen no RICO filings.

Oh, and by the way, all the talk in the Church hierarchy is that this is all in the distant past. You can be sure that this is not the case.

Does Anybody Remember Science?

Remember that nonsense about how scientists warning about global climate change had their emails stolen and then they got slandered by crazy right wing loons? Funny thing -- it turns out the scientists were right all along!

There really is a very narrow legislative window for the US to do anything constructive about climate change. If I had to bet, I would bet on the window closing and our illustrious Senators and Representatives doing jack shit about this most pressing issue: Glad to be wrong.

Friday, April 16, 2010
More Thread

Have fun.

Happy Hour

Who has been eated?

Justice Friday

More like this, please.

The former president of Blackwater Worldwide has been indicted on weapons charges.

An indictment issued Friday charges Gary Jackson along with four others, including former general counsel Andrew Howell and former executive vice president Bill Mathews. The charges against Jackson include a conspiracy to violate firearms laws, false statements and possession of an unregistered firearm.

Run, Lou Dobbs, Run

Whenever I hear about someone like him running for office, I just think... no way it will happen. Running for president is really hard work. Lots of people have the "I'll just say I'm running and everyone will vote for me" idea, but it doesn't actually work.

Afternoon Thread

Remember to cover up your webcams, kids.


Guess it's true.

The Lower Merion School District today acknowledged that investigators reviewing its controversial laptop tracking program have recovered "a substantial number of webcam photos" and that they expect to soon start notifying parents whose children were photographed.

Can't wait to find out how many people working for the school district knew about this and thought it was ok.

The Long And The Short Of It

As Felix says, while there's something a bit odd-seeming about a firm like Goldman Sachs shorting the stuff it's passing on to its clients, it's only really a major problem if they're lying to investors and actually committing fraud, which perhaps they did...


Troubles for Goldman.

Goldman Sachs, which emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis, was accused of securities fraud in a civil suit filed Friday by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which claims the bank created and sold a mortgage investment that was secretly devised to fail.

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Drinking Liberally