Biomedical Informatics  

Coterminal MS in Biomedical Informatics

The Biomedical Informatics program offers a coterminal Masters program for Stanford undergraduates. Students majoring in Biomedical Computation, Computer Science, Mathematics, or one of the biological science majors will find overlapping requirements which lead to acceleration towards graduation.

Degree Requirements

The Graduate Education website on coterminal degrees is here. Coterminal Masters students are not required to perform research rotations or submit a research project, although they are welcome to do so. The MS curriculum is described here.

Funding Sources

Access to financial aid and other options is very different for coterminal students and depends on the number of units and quarters as a registered student at Stanford.

Coterminal students have full access to undergraduate sources of financial aid until their twelfth quarter or four years of study. Coterminal students who have completed 180 units of are eligible for University fellowships and assistantships. However, many federal and private fellowships and assistantships are awarded only to students who have received the bachelors degree. Even after the conferral of the bachelors, there is no guarantee that a coterminal student will be awarded financial support via a RA-ship, TA-ship or fellowship.

Upon completion of the requirements for the bachelors, coterms may choose to obtain their bachelors degree early. However, all classes after conferral of the degree may only be counted towards the graduate degree. Please note, part of the strategy which allows coterms maximal flexibility in their course of study is their dual status as both undergraduates and graduate students.

Application Instructions for the Coterminal Masters Program

We accept applications to the coterminal Masters program quarterly. These application instructions are for the Coterminal Masters only.

The deadlines to submit your applications are listed in the table below.

For Matriculation in
Submit by 1st day of
Autumn quarter
Winter quarter
Spring quarter
Summer quarter

Undergraduates must complete 120 units before they can apply for the coterminal program. The last quarter for application is the quarter prior to your anticipated quarter of graduation.

Under unusual circumstances you may petition to have the Biomedical Informatics Executive committee review your application after the deadline for applications has passed, but you must have all your application materials completely prepared.

If you lose your undergraduate status prior to the completion of the application for the coterminal MS, you must apply as a regular candidate to the BMI program.

Application Procedure

First, download the Coterminal Application Form.

Second, download our Coterminal Supplemental Application Form.

Third, submit your academic resume or curriculum vitae.

Fourth, submit a one page Statement of Purpose describing how and why the BMI program is well matched to your interests.

Applicants to the Coterminal MS programs are not required to submit GRE scores. GRE scores are recommended, especially if you have relatively little prior coursework in quantitative and computational areas. The TOEFL is not required.

Applicants are only required to submit two letters of recommendation but may submit more if you feel this enhances your chances of admission. (The form is in the application file from the Registrar's Office.) Faculty can submit the letters directly to us at the address below, or you can submit their letters if sealed and signed across the envelope seal.

Applicants may submit an unofficial Stanford  transcript; it will be verified in the system.

Applicants are not required to have completed all of the prerequisites for entry into the program but it does help. The prerequisites are listed in page 2 of the BMI Supplemental Application forms. The Registrar's package contains the Preliminary Program Proposal Form; it is better to list all the proposed courses on the BMI Flow Sheet, and then just write "see flow sheet (attached)" on the Proposal Form. Please make sure you have a clear set of classes and schedule that will complete your prerequisites, your undergraduate degree requirements and graduate degree requirements. If you are uncertain, make your best estimate. These instructions (for current students) are also likely to be of use when applying.

Please submit all materials directly to the BMI program:

Mary Jeanne Oliva, MA
Student Services Administrator and Admissions Officer
Biomedical Informatics Program
Stanford University Mail Code 5479
1265 Welch Road, MSOB X-215
Stanford, CA 94305-5479
Phone: (650) 723-1398
Fax: (650) 725-7944 email: mjoliva

Getting an Advisor

Upon acceptance into the program, you will be assigned a course advisor. You will revise your Program Proposal at this time. Please contact the BMI program office if you need advice about coterminal status between acceptance and your first appointment with your course advisor.

Frequently Asked Questions

You should definitely look at our page for current coterm students. Many other frequently asked questions are answered here.

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