Overview: Faculty Specific Payroll Administration

Additional steps are required for administration of faculty pay to handle faculty-specific payroll elections for nine month academic appointments, to manage the various types of supplemental pay received by faculty and to adhere to government and sponsor regulations on charging of salary to sponsored projects.

On this page:


Faculty Pay Spreads and Salary Caps

Salary for many faculty appointments is based upon a 9 month academic year. Faculty may choose to spread pay for 9 month appointments over 10 or 12 months. This election is specified on the faculty member's job record in PeopleSoft. If a faculty member wishes to change his/her pay spread, contact Faculty Affairs at http://med.stanford.edu/academicaffairs/ for School of Medicine or facultyaffairs@stanford.edu for all other University departments.

Sponsored projects require that salary be charged as it is earned, rather than as it is paid. Faculty who have elected to receive pay for a 9 month appointment over 10 or 12 months require special entries in Labor Distribution to charge associated sponsored projects as the salary is earned. Reference Resources: Faculty Labor Distribution Entry Templates (Faculty Pay Spreads) and instructor's PowerPoint presentation for FIN-0510 (slides 45-47).

Additionally, sponsored projects may have limitations on the amount of salary that can be charged. For information on salary caps, see Salary Cap Policy and Rates. Special entries are required in Labor Distribution to allocate salary over the cap. Reference Resources: Faculty Labor Distribution Entry Templates (Faculty Salary Caps).

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Off-Quarter and Administrative Supplements

Non-Medical School faculty who have 9 month academic year appointments may receive additional pay if they teach or perform research during the off-duty quarter. Faculty may also receive additional pay for assuming significant administrative duties. See the Faculty Handbook for the supplementary compensation policy. Supplemental pay is added to the faculty member's regular paycheck. Reference How To: Request Recurring Payment.

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Managing Payroll Deductions during Summer Months

Faculty members on 9 month academic year appointments who do not receive supplemental pay must make special arrangements to pay normal payroll deductions during their off-quarter (usually July 1 – September 30). To make arrangements to directly pay benefit costs, the faculty member should contact Benefits. To directly pay faculty loans and/or ground and water, the faculty member should contact Receivables Accounting.

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Occasional token payments for services performed outside of the faculty member's normal academic duties must be paid through Payroll as an honorarium. The full fringe benefit rate applies to the payment. Reference How To: Request One-Time Payment.

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