All Training

Find all available courses and related training materials or find them by financial activity or application.

Account Structure: Stanford's Chart of Accounts

Courses and related training materials to help you understand the structure of account names and numbers used at Stanford to classify and record financial transactions. Learn more about Stanford's Account Structure: Chart of Accounts.

Course Title Delivery Method

Cost Policy and Chart of Accounts (ORA-1101)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
  • Blended (classroom and online test)

Introduction to Stanford Finance and Research Administration (FIN-0120)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom
  • Web (self-paced)
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Cash Handling & Deposits

Courses and training materials related to processing revenue and depositing receipts. Learn more about Cash Handling & Deposits at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Internal Controls (FIN-0100)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Introduction to Credit Card Acceptance & Processing (FIN-0300)

  • Web (self-paced)

Gift Administration at Stanford (ORA-1128)

  • Web (self-paced)
Training Materials for Processing University Receipts
  • Self-paced Reading
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Buying and Paying

Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to buy and pay for goods and services. Learn more about Buying and Paying for things at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Introduction to Stanford Finance and Research Administration (FIN-0120)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom
  • Web (self-paced)

Non-Catalog Purchasing Using Oracle Internet Procurement (FIN-0410)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Purchasing Using Stanford's SmartMart (FIN-0412)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

PCard Policy and Procedure (FIN-0450)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Other Checks (FIN-0462)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Capital Equipment & Capital Projects

Courses and related training materials to help you understand policies and processes pertinent to capital equipment and capital projects. Learn more about Capital Equipment and Capital Projects at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Non-Catalog Purchasing Using Oracle Internet Procurement (FIN-0410)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom

Property Policies and Procedures (ORA-1310)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Create and Maintain Asset Records in Sunflower (ORA-1320)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Excess and Reporting in Sunflower Assets (ORA-1330)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab
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Financial Authority

Courses and related training materials to help you learn policy and tools used to assign financial authority for accessing applications and information and for originating or approving financial transactions. Learn more about Financial Authority at Stanford

Course Title Delivery Method

Cost Policy and Chart of Accounts (ORA-1101)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
  • Blended (classroom and online test)

Authority Manager Tutorial
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Financial Reporting Tools

Courses and related training materials to help you understand financial reporting tools and commonly used reports. Learn more about Financial Reporting Tools at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Expenditure Statement Reconciliation and Review (FIN-0160)

  • Classroom

ReportMart3 for Oracle Financials (FIN-0320)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Introduction to ReportMart1 (ITS-8401)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
Various Excel classes are available through IT Services Technology Training. See Current Courses.
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Funds Management

Courses and related training materials to help you learn about accounting for income and expenditures in Stanford's fund accounting environment. Learn more about Funds Management at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Internal Controls (FIN-0100)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Introduction to Stanford Finance and Research Administration (FIN-0120)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom
  • Web (self-paced)

Expenditure Statement Reconciliation and Review (FIN-0160)

  • Classroom

FUNDamentals of Funds: Introduction to Funds Management (FIN-0170)

  • Classroom
  • Web (self-paced)

Introduction to iJournals (FIN-0210)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom
  • Web (self-paced)

Introduction to iBudgets – Please contact Creed Raftery in the University Budget Office for access to training.

  • Web (self-paced)

Hyperion budgets, Entry and Reporting (4 courses)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom
  • Web (self-paced)

Gift Administration @ Stanford (ORA-1128)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Course Under Construction

FIN-0110: Understanding Graduate Financial Aid Expenditures
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
Various Excel classes are available through IT Services Technology Training. See Current Courses.
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Month-End / Year-End Close

Courses and related training materials to help you understand process and procedure related to University accounting schedules and requirements. Learn more about Month-End / Year-End Close at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Expenditure Statement Reconciliation and Review (FIN-0160)

  • Classroom

Introduction to iJournals (FIN-0210)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom

Labor Schedules (FIN-0510)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom

Labor Distribution Adjustments (FIN-0520)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom
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Payroll Administration

Courses and related training materials for Labor Schedulers and Time & Leave Administrators. Learn more about Payroll Administration at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Internal Controls (FIN-0100)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Labor Schedules (FIN-0510)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Labor Distribution Adjustments (FIN-0520)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Interactive system demonstrations and job aids for Axess Timecard are available from the Axess Timecard Online Learning Center

  • Web (self-paced)
Axess Timecard Open Lab
Drop-in lab held the 2nd Friday of each month from 9am – Noon at Arguello Labs
  • Classroom open lab
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Payroll for Employees

Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to report your time and leave for payroll purposes. Learn more about Payroll for Employees at Stanford

Course Title Delivery Method

Interactive system demonstrations and job aids for Axess Timecard are available from the Axess Timecard Online Learning Center

  • Web (self-paced)
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Petty Cash Administration

Courses and related training materials to help you learn policies and procedures for administering a petty cash fund. Learn more about Petty Cash Administration at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Internal Controls (FIN-0100)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Petty Cash (FIN-0464)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Petty Cash (Tutorial)

  • Web (self-paced)
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Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to get reimbursed for business and travel expenses. Learn more about Reimbursement at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

iOU Reimbursements / Expense Reports (FIN-0455)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Advances (FIN-0456)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Processing Travel Card Charges in iOU (FIN-0401)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Other Checks (FIN-0462)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Supporting Students

Courses and related training materials to help Student Administrators understand policy and procedures related to student billing, student funding, student workers, and student financial data. Learn more about Supporting Students at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

PeopleSoft Online Learning Center

  • Web (self-paced)

FIN-0110: Understanding Graduate Financial Aid Expenditures
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Tax Compliance

Training materials on University tax policy, standards, and practices. Learn more about Tax Compliance @ Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Training courses for this topic are not available at this time.
See Related Materials

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Courses and related training materials to help you understand policies and procedures for traveling on Stanford business. Learn more about Travel at Stanford.

Course Title Delivery Method

Traveling for Stanford (FIN-0400)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Processing Travel Card Charges in iOU (FIN-0401)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Reimbursements / Expense Reports (FIN-0455)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Advances (FIN-0456)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

iOU Other Checks (FIN-0462)
See also Related Training Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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