All Training by Application

Find available courses and related training materials by financial task, activity or application.

Authority Manager

Authority Manager is a web based system which enables individuals to grant authority across many financial systems used on campus including Oracle Financials, ReportMart3, PeopleSoft HR, ReportMart, and Axess Timecard time and leave reporting system. Authority Manager allows employees to view authority assignments for themselves or others, view all assigned authority records in an organization, and as authorized, grant or revoke authroity to others.

Course Title Delivery Method

Understanding Cost Policy (ORA-1101)
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
  • Blended (classroom and online test)

Authority Manager Tutorial
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Axess Timecard Time & Leave Reporting System

Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to enter and/or approve time and leave in Axess Timecard, the University's time and leave reporting system for use beginning May 2009.

Getting Access
Course Title Delivery Method

Interactive system demonstrations and job aids for Axess Timecard are available from the Axess Timecard Online Learning Center

  • Web (self-paced)
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Commitment Management System (CMS)

Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to managing funds and forecasting expenditures in Commitment Management System (CMS).

Getting Access
About Commitment Management System (CMS)
Course Title Delivery Method

Introduction to the Commitment Management System (CMS) (FIN-0180)

  • Web (self-paced)

Acquiring Core CMS (Commitment Management System) Skills (FIN-0181)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab
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Gift Transmittals

Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to initiate, review, route, and approve gifts made to Stanford University in Gift Transmittals.

Getting Access
About Gift Transmittals
Course Title Delivery Method

Initiating Gift Transmittals (FIN-0190)
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)

Approving Gift Transmittals (FIN-0191)
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Hyperion Planning and Reports is the master database for the University Consolidated Budget. Hyperion is pre-populated with data from core Oracle Financials and PeopleSoft HRMS applications.

Course Title Delivery Method

Stanford's Budget System Tutorial (UBO-0500)
See also Related Materials

  • Blended (Web: self-paced and online test)

Hyperion Budget Entry and Reporting for NEW Budget Planners Required for all NEW Budget Planners (UBO-0510)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Hyperion Budget Entry and Reporting for EXPERIENCED Budget Planners (UBO-0520)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Hyperion Budget Entry and Reporting for EXPERIENCED Budget Planners (accelerated pace)  (UBO-0530)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom
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Oracle iBudgets

iBudgets is a web-based interface to the Oracle Financials system that allows users to initiate modifications to Expense or Revenue Control information in the 9/1 University Consolidated Budget. Authorized budget officers can use the application to create new budgets and/or modify / reallocate existing budgets, to effect budgetary changes without impacting the original 9/1 budget "snapshot".

About Oracle iBudgets
Course Title Delivery Method

Introduction to iBudgets – Please contact Mark Rickey in the University Budget Office for access to training.

  • Web (self-paced)
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Oracle iJournals

iJournals is a web-based interface to the Oracle Financials system that allows users to initiate transfers among PTAs or across Expenditure Types or Object Codes.

Getting Access
About Oracle iJournals
Course Title Delivery Method

Introduction to iJournals (FIN-0210)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom
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Oracle Internet Procurement

Internet Procurement, sometimes referred to as "iProcurement" or "iPO", is the web-based self-service purchasing module of the Oracle Financials System. Users across Stanford access Internet Procurement to initiate purchases of goods and services via SmartMart (FIN-0412) or non-catalog (FIN-410) options on behalf of their departments and business units.

Getting Access
About Oracle Internet Procurement

Course Title Delivery Method

Non-Catalog Purchasing Using Oracle Internet Procurement (FIN-0410)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Purchasing Using Stanford's SmartMart (FIN-0412)
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Oracle Labor Distribution

Labor Distribution is an Oracle software application designed specifically to allow users to create, review, and edit Labor Schedules or create Labor Distribution Adjustments.

Getting Access
About Oracle Labor Distribution
Course Title Delivery Method

Labor Schedules (FIN-0510)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom

Labor Distribution Adjustments (FIN-0520)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom
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Purchasing Cards (a.k.a. PCards) are Stanford liability credit cards issued to University faculty, staff, and student employees (as required) for use in making University business purchases. PCard is a custom module of the Oracle Financials system used to verify, edit, search, approve, or withdraw charges made against these Purchasing Cards.

Getting Access
About PCard Module
Course Title Delivery Method

PCard Policy and Procedure (FIN-0450)
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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Stanford uses PeopleSoft applications for payroll and student administration.

Course Title Delivery Method

Transaction demonstrations for PeopleSoft HR and Student Administration modules are available from the PeopleSoft Online Learning Center

  • Web (self-paced)
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PTA Manager

Courses and related training materials to help you learn how to request, approve and track accounts (PTAs) in PTA Manager.

Getting Access
About PTA Manager
Course Title Delivery Method

Introduction to Stanford PTA Attributes (FIN-0200)
See also Related Materials

  • Web (self-paced)
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ReportMart3 (RM3) is the primary reporting tool and environment for the financial data in the Oracle Financials system.

Getting Access
Course Title Delivery Method

ReportMart3 for Oracle Financials (FIN-0320)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab
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Sunflower Assets

Sunflower Assets (SFA) is used by Department Property Administrators (DPAs) and Project Management Office (PMO) to create and maintain asset records for the accountability, tracking, physical inventory and disposal of property.

Course Title Delivery Method

Property Policies and Procedures (ORA-1310)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Create and Maintain Asset Records in Sunflower (ORA-1320)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab

Excess and Reporting in Sunflower Assets (ORA-1330)
See also Related Materials

  • Classroom / Lab
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