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GCEP Quarterly Newsletter
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December 2013


Bank of America executives with Sally Benson at announcement

An abandoned mine provides clues about CO2 sequestration

Gro Brundtland discussed "Our Common Future" at the GCEP Symposium

Founding GCEP Director Lynn Orr nominated for key DOE post

From the Director

I would like to welcome Bank of America, our newest corporate sponsor. We are absolutely delighted they decided to join us on the journey to develop affordable low-carbon energy solutions. With its commitment to sustainable energy, knowledge of global energy markets and expertise in financing businesses focused on low-carbon solutions, Bank of America is contributing a valuable new perspective to GCEP.

In this newsletter, we would like to share with you the latest GCEP news, including:

  • Discoveries from an abandoned mineral mine near campus that provide scientists with new clues about CO2 sequestration;
  • A breakthrough in lignin research that could make biofuel production more efficient; and
  • How a GCEP technical representative creates a critical link between the academic and corporate worlds.

We would also like to highlight our 2013 GCEP Research Symposium, which had a fantastic group of speakers, including these keynote speakers:

  • Gro Brundtland, vice chair of the United Nations Foundation and former prime minister of Norway, shared candid insights about the best way forward to mitigate climate change;
  • Richard Swanson, co-founder and former CEO of SunPower, talked about valuable lessons learned from his company's roller coaster ride to commercial success; and
  • JB Straubel, co-founder and CTO of Tesla Motors, and Ira Ehrenpreis, general partner at Technology Partners, provided their perspectives on Tesla's journey from early-stage concept to top-selling electric vehicle.

If you missed the Symposium, videos of these talks, as well as technical presentations, Energy 101 tutorials, distinguished student lectures and a panel discussion on affordable energy services in rural India are available on the GCEP Symposium website. Please share them with your friends and co-workers!

And finally, congratulations to my colleague and friend, Lynn Orr. The founding director of GCEP and director of the Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford has been nominated by President Obama to serve as under secretary for science at the U.S. Department of Energy.

Wishing you all the very best this holiday season and in the New Year!

Sally M. Benson, Director
Global Climate and Energy Project
What's New
GCEP scientists unravel a mystery at an abandoned mineral mine near campus that could help entomb greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth.
Game-Changing Research
An international team of GCEP researchers has unmasked a crucial plant gene that could enhance biofuel production.
Inside GCEP
Technical representatives from the GCEP sponsors provide a critical link between the academic and commercial sides of the project. Thomas Degnan from ExxonMobil shares his experiences.
GCEP investigator and Professor of Environmental Earth System Science David Lobell wins MacArthur 'genius' award for his 'richly informative' research on climate change.
More GCEP News

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GCEP is sponsored by ExxonMobil, GE, Schlumberger, DuPont and Bank of America



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