What a Stanford sociologist’s research on race can teach journalists


The concept of “racial mobility” can advance and enrich research on race and inequality — and I’m convinced awareness of this concept and others like it could do the same for journalism.

A visible lesson from Hacks/Hackers Connect in S.F.

Hacks/Hackers Connect

At Hack/Hackers Connect San Francisco, JSK Fellow Subramaniam Vincent discovers that visuals are the key to defining startup goals.

JSK & d.school Fellows team up to teach food systems innovation

Matthew Rothe

Our new team will be calling on readers to help answer some of the toughest questions about fixing both food and journalism.

The hard, but rewarding road to HRDCVR


We spoke with Danyel Smith recently about HRDCVR and HRDLIST, how they came about and where they’re headed.

“Spotlight”: journalism we can believe in

Spotlight cast

It’s a remarkable film — and I’m proud that three of the four Spotlight team members depicted are John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships alumni.

Fellow’s project to empower female Afghan reporters launches; HuffPo to publish their work

Girls in Afghanistan

The Sahar Speaks media partnership will launch women reporters in Afghanistan into serious careers as correspondents and unlock large new audiences for underreported issues.