Touchdown Space

Stanford provides “touchdown” spaces on main campus and at other campus locations including Porter Drive as an “office away from your office” for staff members who meet and confer with colleagues in other locations. These are comfortable, welcoming places to plug in your computer, use a phone, print materials for meetings or leave your coats or notebooks.

Following are conference room and hoteling/touchdown sites on the Stanford Campus. The links display a Google map of each location. See also the Work Anywhere : Tools and Technique website.

  • 3145 Porter Drive:
    • three Walkstations:
      • Outside room #150 Bear Creek building (photo)
      • San Francisquito Creek near the conference rooms
      • Barron Creek 0 floor, Sycamore room #010
    • 18 touchdown seats in San Francisquito Creek near the conference rooms, two with computers (photo)
    • Several touchdown seats in the Porter Drive Lobby
    • Corte Madera Creek building second floor entrance near conference room #213 (photo 1, photo 2)
  • 3160 Porter Drive
    • Wireless access in Bistro @ 3160
    • Several touchdown seats in 3160 Lobby
    • Computer equipped touchdown in conference center
    • Small conference room locations in UHR and LBRE Suites
  • 1841 Porter Drive
    • Several touchdown seats in 1841 Lobby
    • Open workspace locations in OOD suite
  • Building 60—three stations: Main Campus, Main Quad, next to Memorial Church
  • Club Med (downstairs in the Alway Building at the Medical School)
    • four walk-up stations
    • 16 shared workstations
    • one private office
  • Forsythe 245 (second floor)— two workstations and seven laptop spots
  • Polya Hall (lobby)—three laptop spots
  • Tresidder Memorial Union (lounge upstairs)
  • Meyer Library (second-floor cluster and “laptop” area)
  • Stanford Menlo Park