
Networking is about connecting to people and building relationships, enhancing your access to support, information, encouragement, and experience, and it helps you learn about events, people and opportunities. Developing these connections helps you fully participate in the Stanford community.

Ready to get started? 

Networking Tips

Pre-Major Advisor

Get the most out of your relationship with your Pre-Major Advisor. Be forthcoming about your interests, and ask questions, such as: What do you do here at Stanford, and what do you like best about that work? Who is your most interesting colleague? Whose work here at Stanford do you most admire?

Student Services Officer

Did you know that virtually every department or program on campus has a staff person who works directly with undergraduate students? Get to know your friendly neighborhood Student Services Officer! These hardworking professionals have a wealth of information, insight and experience to share.

Peer Advisors

Many departments have student peer advisors, who serve as well-informed ambassadors for prospective majors. See whether the programs that interest you have information sessions where you can meet other students who share your interests, and ask them about their experiences.

Make Introductions

Networking isn’t just about meeting people, it’s about building connections. You can extend your own network by helping others extend theirs. If you know two people that you think might benefit from or enjoy getting to know one another, introduce them!

Follow Up

Remember, when you meet someone, follow up and keep in touch!

See Also