What Should I do If I’m interested in the Natural Sciences?

Read about how to get started in the Natural Sciences at Stanford!

Before NSO:

If you’re looking at this before New Student Orientation (NSO), you should consider taking either the Chemistry or Physics placement tests (or both) given during NSO, depending on your academic interests and previous experience. Information on the Physics placement test can be found here. Information on the Chemistry placement test can be found here.  You should also consider attending several Academic Planning Sessions on Wednesday of NSO. There are sessions on Choosing Courses in the Natural Sciences, Choosing Courses in Mathematics, and others that may be relevant to your interests. These sessions will provide details on course selection and other things to consider if you are interested in a major in the natural sciences.

After NSO: Course Selection


In most cases, if you are interested in the natural sciences, math, and/or engineering, you should plan to take math your first year. 

  • If you have 10 units of AP credit (or IB credit or transfer credit) for calculus, then start either with MATH 51 or CME 100.
  • If you do not have AP or IB or transfer credit, then start with MATH 19 or MATH 41 in Autumn quarter. (MATH 19-20-21 is the three-quarter calculus sequence, while MATH 41-42 covers the same material in two quarters.)
  • If you have 5 units of AP credit, then start with MATH 42.

Note that these courses (41, 42, 19, 20, 21) are not offered every quarter.

Chemistry and Biology

If you are considering majoring in Chemistry or Biology (or a related major), you should take Chemistry in your first year. Chemistry begins in the Autumn quarter with either CHEM 31A, CHEM 31X, or ENGR 31 (Chemistry for Engineers).

Engineering and Physics

Most students interested in Engineering or Physics take Physics in their first year, often starting with Physics 41 in Winter quarter.

Health-Related Fields

Students interested in health-related careers typically take the Physics 20-series after their first year, though some do take the Physics 40-series.

More to Explore

Other courses to consider taking are Frosh-friendly courses, Thinking Matters courses, and Introductory Seminars that are related to your interests.


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