Academic Calendar and Important Deadlines

Students should be aware of important enrollment deadlines that accompany each quarter, since changes may not be made after the deadline. Deadline descriptions and guidance on meeting them are provided below. Review the Academic Calendar for exact deadlines.

For information on the grades and notations pertaining to the deadlines below, please see the Grades and Grading section.


In some circumstances, students may experience holds on enrollment due to financial, academic, medical, or behavioral circumstances. Students can check AXESS to see who has placed the hold and should then resolve it by communicating with that individual or office. Students are encouraged to speak to a UAR Advisor if they need to make changes to their Study Lists. Students can speak to advisors about other necessary enrollment status changes while they have a hold, or if they need advice or clarification about holds.

Preliminary Study List Deadline: Last date to enroll without a fee

By this deadline, students must choose and register for an initial course list of at least 12 units. Students who do not submit a Study List by the deadline will incur a fee.

Students should be aware that during high-traffic periods, it may be difficult to log on to an enrollment platform (e.g. Axess). For this reason, we encourage students to submit their Study List well in advance of the deadline. Students also should print copies of their Study List and changes thereto for their own records.

Office of the University Registrar: Preliminary Study List Deadline

Final Study List Deadline:Last date to add or drop courses, or change unit totals

By this deadline date, students must add or drop courses, or change unit totals for courses to finalize their Study List. This includes adding an entirely new course and/or increasing or decreasing the number of units in a course based on the instructor’s approval. Courses or units dropped by this deadline will not appear on a student’s transcript. Students may continue to withdraw from courses for a specified period after this date and a W (withdraw) notation will appear on the students transcript. Students should print copies of their new Study List for their records.

Office of the University Registar: Final Study List Deadline

Term Withdrawal Deadline

If submitted by this deadline date, students who fully withdraw (i.e., take a Leave of Absence) from the University for personal or academic reasons may receive a partial tuition refund. All students considering a Leave of Absence must consult with a UAR Advisor and their Residence Dean.

For further information:

Leave of Absence

Office of the University Registrar: Tuition Refund Schedule 2012-13

Change of Grading Basis Deadline

By this deadline date, students must select their desired grading basis for each course where that option exists.  Many courses have an option for LETTER grade or CREDIT/NO CREDIT (CR/NC) notation.  In order to determine if a course offers different grading options, students should visit the course listing in Explore Courses.  Selecting the CR/NC option may encourage some students to engage in intellectual exploration with less concern for performance or effect of the course on their GPA.   All courses for meeting university requirements, including General Education requirements, must be taken for a letter grade; the only exception being the Language requirement.  Pre-med students should also note that pre-med requirements must be taken for a letter grade.

Students select the desired option when they submit a Preliminary Study List, but may change this option until the grading basis deadline.  Note that neither strong or poor performance after the deadline, nor notification of such performance after the deadline is cause for a change to the selected option.  Students also should print a copy of their updated Study List for their records.

Office of the University Registrar: Change of Grading Basis Deadline

Course Withdrawal Deadline

By this deadline date, students must decide whether to withdraw from a course and receive a notation of "W" instead of a grade on their transcript. The "W" has no impact upon a student's GPA, but will impact a student’s units earned and may impact minimum satisfactory progress.  The "W" will remain on the transcript and cannot be changed even if a student takes the course again. Students also should print copies of their Study List, reflecting the withdrawal, for their records. 

Office of the University Registrar: Course Withdrawal Deadline

Last opportunity to arrange an Incomplete in a course (at last class)

By this deadline date, students should consult with their instructors to discuss whether a request for an Incomplete for the course is appropriate. Once requested by the student, Incompletes may be granted at the discretion of the instructor under certain conditions and for a maximum of one year.  For more information on the conditions required for an Incomplete, see the Grading Policies section below. 

See Also:

End of Quarter and Finals