Resources for PWR Instructors

Here are some Stanford-specific resources for PWR Instructors.

Teaching PWR

Teaching PWR is the gateway site to resources for teaching in Stanford's Program in Writing & Rhetoric

The Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

VPTL provides a wealth of information and support services for continued development and evaluation of your teaching.  Recent workshop titles include: "Making small groups work – in and out of the Classroom" and "Teaching Portfolio Series."  VPTL also offers videotaping, small group evaluations, classroom observation, and other aids as listed on the VPTL website.

Green Library

One of the goals of PWR is to introduce first-year students to the rich library resources available at Stanford and to initiate them into their use.  This is accomplished by a close partnership with our colleagues in Green Library.

  • Library workshops for PWR 1 are scheduled by Chris Matson to accommodate the many sections of PWR being taught each quarter.  You’ll receive a date for your library workshop before classes begin; in case of a conflict with your workshop date, contact Chris Matson at
  • The Course Guides designed by the librarians for each PWR class contain information and links to both general resources and resources specifically selected for your class topic.  These online guides are the best place for students to start their research, and an excellent resource for you in guiding students to the best places to search for information. Be sure to put a link to your Course Guide on your Coursework site, and refer to it in class whenever you talk to students about searching for books, articles, or other resources.  A full menu of past and present Course Guides can be found here.
  • Assigned librarians.  Every PWR instructor is assigned a librarian who serves as their main library/research contact.  This librarian develops a personalized Course Guide for the instructor’s classes and leads their library workshop. Suggestions for working with your assigned librarian:
    • Make contact with your librarian before the quarter begins.  She or he will typically email you to set up a meeting to discuss the upcoming library workshop—your needs, desires and questions.
    • Add your assigned librarian to your CourseWork site (selecting the “librarian” role in CourseWork) to give him/her access to course materials, including your syllabus.
    • Invite librarians to post announcements and links to your students through CourseWork.

If you would like to have a refresher library workshop for PWR2, contact your assigned librarian.

The Oral Communication Program

The Oral Communication Program, directed by Doree Allen, works in collaboration with PWR to support the PWR 2 curriculum.  The program offers workshops, tutoring appointments, and in-class tutoring support.

  • Workshops:  Oral Communication Program lecturers are happy to visit PWR 2 classes to offer hour-long workshops on various aspects of oral communication (e.g., general speaking tips, effective use of visual aids, overcoming speech anxiety, etc.).

  • Tutoring Appointments: Oral Communication Tutors (OCTs) are available to meet with students to provide feedback on all aspects of designing and delivering oral presentations.  OCTs can videotape practice presentations and offer coaching on brainstorming, presentation organization, delivery, effective use of PowerPoint, and overcoming speech anxiety.  Students can schedule appointments online at  OCT appointments are held in the Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Building 250 on the main quad.

  • In-Class Tutoring Support: OCTs can also visit PWR 2 classes to introduce OCT services, give feedback on talks, work with small groups, or facilitate discussions about oral presentations.

Lindsey Yeager, the OCT Manager, contacts PWR 2 instructors at the beginning of each quarter about requesting workshops and OCT support.  If you have any questions about the program, please contact her at

The Cantor Arts Center

PWR instructors’ work with the Cantor Arts Center has ranged from a one-time class tour to a quarter-long partnership during which students perform substantial research related to Cantor exhibits or holdings. For Cantor Center tours, contact Patience Young ( or 650-725-6788).  The more specific your request can be about your students’ work and your goals for the tour, the more valuable your visit will be.

Resources for Primary Research

Susan Wyle has developed a valuable website that orients PWR students to using primary sources at Stanford.  You can access the Researching with Primary Sources website here.

Writing in the Major Teaching Resources

Writing in the Major, another program in Stanford Introductory Studies within VPUE, offers additional help for instructors.  For additional advice on WIM, contact SIS Co-Director Marvin Diogenes ( or 650-723-4642). 

University Faculty Handbook

The Office of the President provides all Stanford employees who hold teaching titles with a set of essential guidelines and policies.  You can review the Handbook online at

Technology Resources 

Recording Student Presentations: 
Video camera tutorial 

Interactive Whiteboards: 
SMART Board tutorial

Prensentation Tools: 
Wireless presentation clickers 

Options for publishing a personal website:
Stanford Sites how-to guide

Student Response Systems (i.e. Clickers):  
Turning clickers how-to guide 

Online document storage space:
Stanford Box