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Stanford University Safety Courses

Safety courses at Stanford are scheduled in quarters:

Fall quarter: October, November and December

Winter quarter: January, February and March

Spring quarter: April, May, June

Summer quarter: July, August, September

Click the link below for descriptions and schedules for the current month.

September 2015 Class Calendar



Course Descriptions


Below are the names, numbers and descriptions of Safetytrain

courses we offer. This list includes both online and scheduled classroom training.

Click on a title to jump to the course

description below:

Asbestos Abatement Skills (EHS-1150)
Asbestos Awareness (EHS-1100)
Asbestos Awareness for Custodians (EHS-1200)
Back Care Ergonomics / Safe Lifting & Carrying (EHS-1400)
Biosafety (EHS-1500)
Bloodborne Pathogens (EHS-1600)
Chemical Safety for Laboratories (EHS-1900)
Compressed Gas Safety (EHS-2200)
Confined Space Entry (EHS-2300)
Confined Space Entry Refresher (EHS-2400)
DOT: Shipping Dangerous Biological Goods (EHS-2700)
Electrical Safety (EHS-2800)
Ergonomics Awareness (EHS-3600)
Ergonomics: Computer Workstation (EHS-3400)
Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS-3700)
Forklift Safety (EHS-4100)
General Safety, Injury Prevention (IIPP) & Emergency Preparedness (EHS-4200)
Hazard Communication (EHS-4300)
Laboratory Ergonomics (EHS-4800)
Laser Safety (EHS-4820)
Life Sciences Research Lab Safety (EHS-4875)
Orientation for Laboratory Safety Coordinators (EHS-5200)
Personal Emergency Preparedness (EHS-5090)
Radiation Safety (EHS-5250)
Respirator Use and Fit (EHS-5300)

SU EH&S Lab Safety Compliance Videos

Supervisor Health & Safety Responsibilities (EHS-5400)

Tier III Safety Training for Chemical Laborat Research (EHS-5500)

Working Safely Near Radioactive Materials (EHS-5275)


Below are the course descriptions themselves:


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Health & Safety courses for all employees, covering basic safety Skills that are useful in any occupation at Stanford and at home.

Back Care / Safe Lifting and Carrying


Back Care / Safe Lifting and Carrying is a hands-on course where attendees learn and practice techniques for safe lifting and carrying to prevent back injuries on the job. Recommended for employees who perform material handling tasks, or who have back health concerns.

Date/Time:Offered Quarterly, call 3-0448 for information

Location: ESF, Lecture Hall A27

Instructor: Staff

DOT: Shipping Dangerous

Biological Goods or Dry Ice


DOT: Shipping Dangerous Biological Goods or Dry ice  

For course listing refer to ‘Research & Laboratory’ section.

Web-Based Training

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Ergonomics: Computer Workstation


Ergonomics: Computer Workstation provides proper work practices and awareness on how to prevent ergonomic problems that can arise from everyday computer use.Web-Based training and classroom training are both offered.

For Web-Based training register in STARS at the Axess portal   Web-based training includes instruction, self-assessment, and exercises.

Classroom Topics presented include:

  • Self Assessment
  • Proper setup of computer workstation 
  • Body postures
  • Healthy work habits
  • Office stretch exercises

Date/Time:Offered Quarterly, call 3-0448 for information

Location: ESF, Lecture Hall A27

Instructor: Staff

Ergonomics Awareness


Ergonomics Awareness is specific training which will help staff perform frequent and repetitive operations in such a way as to avoid pain and injury.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 726-4392.

Do not register in STARS.

Fire Extinguisher Use


Fire Extinguisher Use gives hands-on experience using a portable fire extinguisher. Learn about the types of fire extinguishers and how to use them; general fire safety topics will also be covered.

Date/Time:Call 3-0448 for information

Location: ESF, Lecture Hall A27

Instructor: Staff

Fire Extinguisher Use and Inspection


Fire Extinguisher Use and Inspection is an online video covering fire extinguisher use, classification according to fire type, and inspection to ensure readiness.

Prerequisites: None

Web-Based Training

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General Safety, Injury Prevention &

Emergency Preparedness


General Safety, Injury Prevention & Emergency Preparedness covers practices and procedures for preventing employee injury or illness from potential workplace hazards. This course is required for all Stanford University employees.

Prerequisites: None

Web-Based Training

Personal Emergency Preparedness                                           


Personal Emergency Preparedness is a course where you can learn how to prepare yourself, your family and your home to survive the next disaster. You will receive information on emergency kits, family preparedness plans, fire safety, earthquake preparedness and more. Learn about other opportunities and resources for improving your disaster preparedness and emergency skills. Upon completion, you will receive a complimentary starter emergency kit.


Offered Monthly, call 3-0448 for information

Location: EH&S at 480 Oak Rd., Training Room

Instructor: Keith Perry or Elise McMath

Fee: $75.00

Supervisor Health and Safety



Supervisor Health and Safety Responsibilities informs supervisors of their responsibility to prevent and respond to workplace injuries by implementing the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), including training, reporting, identifying and correcting hazards, and keeping records.

*NOTE: You do not need to take this course if you have already taken New Supervisor Orientation TOD-0130, because the material covered is the same.

Web-Based Training


Now available from EH&S, a collections of sixteen, brief, online videos designed to help SU Lab workers safely manage hazardous materials.

Topics include:

Identifying Hazardous Wastes

Managing Hazardous Wastes

Safety Issues

Why Label Water

And many more…

These videos complement but do not replace required chemical safety training. View them at:


Learn safety procedures specific to working in a

laboratory at Stanford. Also learn to comply with

local, state, and federal safety regulations.




Biosafety covers the safe use, handling, and disposal of biohazardous

agents, and reviews emergency procedures for an

occupational injury or a spill of a biological material.

Laboratory workers in the SOM and those working in a Life Sciences Research Laboratory should substitute EHS-4875 for this course.

Web-Based Training

Bloodborne Pathogens                                                                               Updated


Bloodborne Pathogens identifies procedures to minimize or eliminate occupational exposure to infectious agents.  Su employees and students with the potential for workplace exposure to bloodborne pathogens must by law receive special training. This program provides methods for protecting yourself from potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens in your workplace. For registration help go to  

Note: After taking this initial course, refresher training EHS-PROG-1601 is required annually. 

Contact EH&S at with questions.

Web-Based Training

Click here to jump back to the top of this list.

Chemical Safety for Laboratories


Chemical Safety for Laboratories covers the University’s Chemical Hygiene Program for safe handling of chemicals in the lab. It provides resources for assessing and controlling hazards using specific safety practices and guidelines. This training is intended for laboratory workers.

Laboratory workers in the SOM and those working in a Life Sciences Research Laboratory should substitute EHS-4875 for this course.

Web-Based Training

Compressed Gas Safety


Compressed Gas Safety covers the general safety procedures

for the proper use, storage, and handling of compressed gases.

Laboratory workers in the SOM and those working in a Life Sciences Research Laboratory should substitute EHS-4875 for this course.

Web-Based Training

DOT: Shipping Biological Goods or Dry Ice


DOT: Shipping Biological Goods or Dry Ice trains an employee to properly package, label and document shipments of hazardous biological materials or dry ice for transportation by common carriers such as US Postal Service, Federal Express, and United Parcel Service. It provides certification necessary for those who pack or ship hazardous biological materials and/or dry ice.

Note: After taking this initial course, refresher training EHS-PROG-2701 is required every two years. 

Contact EH&S at with questions.

Web-Based Training


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Electrical Safety


Electrical Safety is a 30-minute introductory course on electrical safety that covers general precautions regarding the use

and care of electrical equipment. The course also addresses

issues with facility wiring, and considerations regarding research

systems design.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1472.

Do not register in STARS.

Laboratory Ergonomics


Laboratory Ergonomics is for employees and students who

perform repetitive tasks such as microscope use, pipetting,

and miscellaneous hand tool use. Provides tips on:

  • Equipment setup
  • Postures
  • Healthy work practices
  • Manual lifting techniques


Offered Quarterly, call 3-0448 for information.

Location: ESF, Lecture Hall A27

Instructor: Staff

Laser Safety                                                                                                     Online Training!


Laser Safety provides tips on using engineering and administrative controls to prevent laser hazards and accidents.  Topics include: fundamentals and classification of lasers; laser beam and one-beam hazards; controlling laser hazards through engineering and administration. NOTE: After successfully passing this course, students are also required to have on-the-job training by a supervisor or a senior lab worker on how to operate the lab’s laser system. 

Contact EH&S at 725-1411 with questions.

Web-Based Training


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Life Sciences Research Laboratory Safety Training 


Life Sciences Research Laboratory Safety Training covers essential Tier I and Tier II training specifically for those working in Stanford University medical, biological and life sciences research laboratories that contain hazardous biological materials. It is designed to ensure compliance with extermal regulatory requirements applicable to those laboratory research activities, combined into one web-based training course.

EHS-4875 is inclusive of Biosafety (EHS-1500), Chemical Safety in Laboratories (EHS-1900), and Compressed Gases Safety (EHS-2200). Researchers not in a SOM laboratory, and not in a Life Sciences Research laboratory should instead take the separate courses as applicable.  

Contact EH&S at 725-0448 with questions.

Web-Based Training


Click here to jump back to the top of this list.

Orientation for Laboratory Safety Coordinators

(EHS-5200)  The Principal Investigator (PI)/Laboratory Supervisor has responsibility for the health and safety of laboratory personnel in his/her laboratory. The PI/Lab Supervisor may delegate the safety duties for which he/she is responsible, but must make sure any delegated safety duties are carried out. Orientation for Laboratory Safety Coordinators provides general information on how to conduct and coordinate laboratory health and safety tasks assigned by his/her PI/Lab Supervisor. Topics covered include chemical inventory maintenance, laboratory self inspections, lab-specific health & safety training, standard operating procedures, incident reporting, and external regulatory inspections.

This course is designed for lab safety coordinators and lab managers who have been assigned some or all of the above duties by their PI/Lab Supervisor.

Prerequisites: General Safety, Injury Illness Prevention & Emergency Preparedness (EHS 4200) and Chemical Safety for Laboratories (EHS-1900).
Do not register in STARS.
Please contact EH&S at 723-0448.

Working Safely Near Radioactive Materials

Working Safely Near Radioactive Materials explains how to work safely near others who are using radioactive materials. If you are a researcher or administrative worker who do not yourself use radioactive materials, but work in labs or buildings where others do, we suggest that you take this course. It explains what structures and procedures are in place to support lab safety, and why they are designed the way they are. This class does not certify you to work with radioactive materials.
Web-Based Training

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Radiation Safety Training


Radiation Safety Training is a two-part course which includes an introduction to the science and technology of ionizing radiation. Topics include: sources, fundamentals of measurement, bioeffects, regulations, Good work practices, and accident recovery. This course is offered monthly in two sessions. Participants MUST attend both sessions, and successfully complete homework assignments and an open book test.

Activity Options:

Offered Monthly.


at 723-3202. DO NOT register in STARS.

Respirator Use and Fit


Respirator Use and Fit covers the purpose of respiratory protection to mitigate hazards. Topics covered are: proper fit, inspection, cleaning, disinfection, and storage of respirators. Requires workplace and tasks evaluation by EH&S, and a medical evaluation. This course is a prerequisite for the EHS-1150 Asbestos Abatement Skills course. This course must be repeated on an annual basis. 

This course must be repeated on an annual basis.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1472 .

Do not register in STARS.

Tier III Safety Training for

Chemical Lab Research


Tier III Safety Training for Chemical Lab Research is an in-laboratory training which is offered to researchers who are conducting experiments with potentially serious life-safety hazards that might involve chemicals that are extremely flammable, pyrophoric, water-reactive, explosive, or highly toxic. The training is customized for individual lab settings and can include performing an experimental process review,

hazards analysis, risk evaluation, writing experimental protocols containing safety and health aspects, pre- and post-surveys, practice sessions, and ongoing consultations.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1474.

Do not register in STARS.


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Safety information for employees who are engaged

in maintenance, shops, trades, and construction

occupations at Stanford.


Asbestos Awareness                                         


Asbestos Awareness is required for employees whose job includes

maintenance or renovation tasks and anyone who supervises or manages

such tasks.  This course must be repeated on an annual basis and is a prerequisite for the Asbestos Abatement Skills course EHS-1150. 

This course covers asbestos:

  • Forms and uses
  • Health effects
  • Location on campus
  • Hazard recognition and
  • Safety procedures

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 723-0486.

Do not register in STARS.

Asbestos Abatement Skills                     


Asbestos Abatement Skills course consists of field exercises that teach the “hands-on” skills necessary to safely abate small amounts of asbestos-containing materials and, together with Asbestos Awareness EHS-1100, fulfills the Class III training requirements set forth by Cal/OSHA.  This course must be repeated on an annual basis. 

This course covers:

  • Asbestos abatement means and methods
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Air monitoring
  • Waste management

Prerequisites: Asbestos Awareness EHS-1100 and Respiratory Protection EHS-5300.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 723-0486.

Do not register in STARS.


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Asbestos Awareness for Custodians                     


Asbestos Awareness for Custodians course is restricted to Stanford’s Residential and Dining Enterprises Department custodial staff only.  It fulfills the Class IV training requirements set forth by Cal/OSHA. Custodians are required to take this course on an annual basis.

This course covers:

  • Forms
  • Uses
  • Health affects
  • Location on campus
  • Hazard recognition
  • Safety policy and procedures

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 723-0486.

Do not register in STARS.

Confined Space Entry


Confined Space Entry teaches participants to recognize, evaluate, and safely work inside confined spaces. Includes regulatory defined permit-required confined space, hazards,

monitoring, entry team duties, etc.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1472 .

Do not register in STARS.

Confined Space Entry Refresher


Confined Space Refresher training is intended for employees who are required to be involved in permit-required confined space entry work, including entrants, attendants, and entry

supervisors. Must have taken Confined Space Entry within two years.

Prerequisites: Confined Space Entry EHS-2300

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1472 .

Do not register in STARS.

Electrical Safety


For course listing refer to the ‘Research & Laboratory’ section.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1472 .

Do not register in STARS.

Forklift Safety


Forklift Safety covers operating rules and pre-operational safety/maintenance inspection of forklift equipment. Required for all employees who operate forklifts as part of their job.

TO REQUEST TRAINING, contact EH&S at 725-1472 .

Do not register in STARS.


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Hazard Communications

Hazard Communications covers basic chemical safety information, personal protection equipment (PPE), and the rights and duties of employees working with or around hazardous chemicals in non-laboratory settings.


Offered Quarterly; call 3-0448 for information.

Location: ESF, Lecture Hall A27
Instructor: Staff
