Business Expenditures News

Wednesday February 24, 2016 

New system functionality and process to support compliance and Dean-level review of unusual spend

Good stewardship of Stanford funds and University Cost Policy dictate that business expenditures be reasonable and necessary. On February 29, new system functionality will flag outlier expenditures and an escalation process will allow Dean-level review and approval of unusual spend. Learn more in the articles below...

Compliance Assistance

Photo of the super hero Superman about to tear his shirt apart to reveal his Superman red shirt underneath with 'Compliance' text

System functionality flags outlier expenditures.  In the Expense Requests system, and now in the PCard Module, warning messages appear when certain expense amounts exceed thresholds. These messages alert Expense Requests preparers, PCard verifiers, and financial transaction approvers that detailed justification is needed. Read more...

Spotlight on Meals

Image of a plate of Sushi with soy sauce, ginger, wasabi, tuna sushi

Guidelines for business expenditures.  In a message to the University Cabinet and Administrative Deans, Randy Livingston, Vice Provost for Business Affairs and CFO, shares guidance on business meal costs. See his message and learn more...

Appropriate Spend?

Photo of a soccer referee pointing his finger to somewhere, making the call in the field

Who makes the call? Schools and units do, with Dean-level review.  In response to University Cabinet input, a new escalation process gives schools and business units final approval authority for seemingly high-cost business expenditures and expenditures outside of standard policy. Read more...

Impact on You

Image of purple, red, yellow, blue, green arrows going one direction, then the red one makes a sudden turn going north

Click on your role for details on relevant changes:

PCard Verifiers

Expense Requests Preparers

Transaction Approvers

Dean's Office / Business Unit Escalation Designees

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