How To: Grant Authority for Oracle Financials Reporting Using ReportMart3

Who does this?  Authorized Administrative Staff

When?  Employees need access to basic Oracle Financials reports (no financial or labor) information; or when employees are required to view confidential (financial and labor) information in ReportMart3.

How?  Using the Authority Manager web application


On this page:

  • As a prerequisite to other reporting privileges, provide access to basic information open to all employees (i.e., purchasing, payables, PCards, etc.):
  • To provide additional access to confidential financial information:

    Based on With Privilege
    (Salary and Non-Salary)
    Follow Quick Steps
    Organization Reporting Salary View or Reporting Non-Salary View Grant Reporting Authority for All PTAs in an Organization
    Principal Owner Reporting Salary View, Reporting Non-Salary View, Reporting Salary Award, or Reporting Non-Salary Award Grant Reporting Authority for PTAs Owned by a Principal Owner
    Project or Project-Task Reporting Salary View or Reporting Non-Salary View Grant Reporting Authority for Specific Projects or Tasks in an Organization
    Award Reporting Salary View or Reporting Non-Salary View Grant Reporting Authority for Specific Awards in an Organization
    Award Type Reporting Salary View or Reporting Non-Salary View Grant Reporting Authority for Specific Award Types in an Organization
    • Note:  Reporting Authority can be updated in the same manner as financial authority. See How To: Grant, Change, Revoke or Restore Financial Authority to Others.


      Grant Authority for Basic Enterprise Reporting (7 steps)

      step 1

      Launch Stanford's Authority Manager web application:

      Note:  You must have the specific authority you are granting AND it must be checked Grantable.
      1. Click
      2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
      3. Click GRANT authority link in the Grant Authority section of the Home page.
      step 2

      Find the person to be granted authority (Step 1 in the Grant Authority pop-up window):

      1. Enter the SUNet ID or the Name of the person in the Search field.

      2. Note:  Using the SUNet ID is an easier, more reliable search.

      3. Click Search button.
      4. Click the employee's name from the search results; refine the search as needed to find the correct person.
      step 3

      Select a business function (Step 2 in the Grant Authority pop-up window):

      1. Click Oracle Financials link under Enterprise Reporting.
      step 4

      Select the organization scope (Step 3 in the Grant Authority pop-up window):

      1. Enter an Org Name or 4-character Org Code in the Search field.
      2. Click Search button.

      3. ~ OR ~
      4. Scroll down and click the Org Name from the list displayed.
      step 5

      Select the privilege you want to assign (Step 4 in the Grant Authority pop-up window):

      1. Click Report User link under Oracle Financials privileges.
      step 6

      Set limits for the Report User privilege (Step 5 in the Grant Authority pop-up window):

      1. Click NEXT button.
      step 7

      Set conditions for this assignment (Step 6 in the Grant Authority pop-up window):

      1. Enter the Expiration date if appropriate.

      2. Note:  Privilege expires on day of termination by default.

      3. Select whether the person cannot or CAN or can ONLY grant the privilege to others.
      4. Click Finish button.
      5. As needed click links to grant additional privileges, or click Close button.

      See What Happens Next?

      back to top

      Grant Reporting Authority for All PTAs in an Organization (7 steps)

      step 1

      Launch Stanford's Authority Manager web application:

      Note:  You must have the specific authority you are granting AND it must be checked Grantable.
      1. Click
      2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
      3. Click GRANT authority link in the Grant Authority section of the Home page.
      step 2

      Find the person to be granted authority (Step 1 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the SUNet ID or the Name of the person in the Search field.

      2. Note:  Using the SUNet ID is an easier, more reliable search.

      3. Click Search button.
      4. Click the employee's name from the search results; refine the search as needed to find the correct person.
      step 3

      Select a business function (Step 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting link under Financial system GL.
      step 4

      Select the organization scope (Step 3 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter an Org Name or 4-character Org Code in the Search field.
      2. Click Search button.

      3. ~ OR ~
      4. Scroll down and click the Org Name from the list displayed.
      step 5

      Select the privilege you want to assign (Step 4 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting Salary View or Reporting Non-Salary View link.

      2. Note:  Reporting Salary View also grants access to non-salary data.
      step 6

      Set limits for the Report User privilege (Step 5 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click All projects link.
      step 7

      Set conditions for this assignment (Step 6 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Check to see if the person receiving the privilege has signed a Confidentiality Agreement.

      2. Note:  Employee's reporting authority will be activated after signing the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS

      3. Enter the Expiration date if appropriate.

      4. Note: Privilege expires on day of termination by default.

      5. Select whether the person cannot or CAN or can ONLY grant the privilege to others.
      6. Click Finish button.
      7. As needed click links to grant additional privileges, or click Close button.

      See What Happens Next?

      back to top

      Grant Reporting Authority for Specific Projects of Tasks in an Organization (8 steps)

      step 1

      Launch Stanford's Authority Manager web application:

      Note:  You must have the specific authority you are granting AND it must be checked Grantable.
      1. Click
      2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
      3. Click GRANT authority link in the Grant Authority section of the Home page.
      step 2

      Find the person to be granted authority (Step 1 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the SUNet ID or the Name of the person in the Search field.

      2. Note:  Using the SUNet ID is an easier, more reliable search.

      3. Click Search button.
      4. Click the employee's name from the search results. Repeat the search to find the correct person.
      step 3

      Select a business function (Step 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting link under Financial system GL.
      step 4

      Select the organization scope (Step 3 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter an Org Name or 4-character Org Code in the Search field.
      2. Click Search button.

      3. ~ OR ~
      4. Scroll down and click the Org Name from the list displayed.
      step 5

      Select the privilege you want to assign (Step 4 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting Salary View or Reporting Non-Salary View link.

      2. Note:  Reporting Salary View also grants access to non-salary data.
      step 6

      Set limits for the Report User privilege (Step 5 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Specific projects link.
      step 7

      Select Specific project(s) (Step 5, page 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the Project(s) or Project-Task combination(s).

      2. Note:  Enter multiple projects or project-task combinations on separate lines by hitting Enter between each value.

      3. Click Next button.

      4. ~ OR ~
      5. Click View a list link to display all of the projects in the organization.
      6. Click Next button.
      step 8

      Set conditions for this assignment (Step 6 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Check to see if the person receiving the privilege has signed a Confidentiality Agreement.

      2. Note:  Employee's reporting authority will be activated after signing the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS

      3. Enter Expiration date if appropriate.

      4. Note:  Privilege expires on day of termination by default.

      5. Select whether the person cannot or CAN or can ONLY grant the privilege to others.
      6. Click Finish button.
      7. As needed click links to grant additional privileges, or click Close button.

      See What Happens Next?

      back to top

      Grant Reporting Authority for Specific Awards in an Organization (8 steps)

      step 1

      Launch Stanford's Authority Manager web application:

      Note:  You must have the specific authority you are granting AND it must be checked Grantable.
      1. Click
      2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
      3. Click GRANT authority link in the Grant Authority section of the Home page.
      step 2

      Find the person to be granted authority (Step 1 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the SUNet ID or the Name of the person in the Search field.

      2. Note:  Using the SUNet ID is an easier, more reliable search.

      3. Click Search button.
      4. Click the employee's name from the search results. Repeat the search to find the correct person.
      step 3

      Select a business function (Step 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting link under Financial system GL.
      step 4

      Select the organization scope (Step 3 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter an Org Name or 4-character Org Code in the Search field.
      2. Click Search button.

      3. ~ OR ~
      4. Scroll down and click the Org Name from the list displayed.
      step 5

      Select the privilege you want to assign (Step 4 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting Salary Award or Reporting Non-Salary Award link.

      2. Note:  Reporting Salary Award also grants access to non-salary data.
      step 6

      Set limits for the Report User privilege (Step 5 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Specific awards link.
      step 7

      Select Specific award(s) (Step 5, page 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the Award(s).

      2. Note:  Enter multiple awards on separate lines by hitting Enter between each value.

      3. Click Next button.

      4. ~ OR ~
      5. Click View a list link to display all of the awards in the organization.
      6. Click Next button.
      step 8

      Set conditions for this assignment (Step 6 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Check to see if the person receiving the privilege has signed a Confidentiality Agreement.

      2. Note:  Employee's reporting authority will be activated after signing the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS

      3. Enter Expiration date if appropriate.

      4. Note:  Privilege expires on day of termination by default.

      5. Select whether the person cannot or CAN or can ONLY grant the privilege to others.
      6. Click Finish button.
      7. As needed click links to grant additional privileges, or click Close button.

      See What Happens Next?

      back to top

      Grant Reporting Authority for PTAs Owned by a Principal Owner (9 steps)

      Note:  When a Principal Owner has PTAs in multiple organizations, you must assign reporting authority separately for each organization.
      step 1

      Launch Stanford's Authority Manager web application:

      Note:  You must have the specific authority you are granting AND it must be checked Grantable.
      1. Click
      2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
      3. Click GRANT authority link in the Grant Authority section of the Home page.
      step 2

      Find the person to be granted authority (Step 1 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the SUNet ID or the Name of the person in the Search field.

      2. Note:  Using the SUNet ID is an easier, more reliable search.

      3. Click Search button.
      4. Click the employee's name from the search results. Repeat the search to find the correct person.
      step 3

      Select a business function (Step 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting link under Financial system GL.
      step 4

      Select the organization scope (Step 3 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter an Org Name or 4-character Org Code in the Search field.
      2. Click Search button.

      3. ~ OR ~
      4. Scroll down and click the Org Name from the list displayed.
      step 5

      Select the privilege you want to assign (Step 4 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting Salary View, Reporting Non-Salary View, Reporting Salary Award, or Reporting Non-Salary Award link.

      2. Note 1:  Reporting Salary View and Reporting Salary Award also grant access to non-salary data.

        Note 2:  Reporting View (Salary or Non-Salary) gives reporting authority over Projects or Tasks owned by the Owner whereas Award authority (Salary or Non-Salary) gives the authority for the Awards he/she owns. When a new PT or A is established for the owner, the reporting authority is automatically updated.
      step 6

      Set limits for the Report User privilege (Step 5 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click the A specific principal owner link.
      step 7

      Select the principal owner (Step 5, page 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click the principal owner name.
      step 8

      Set conditions for this assignment (Step 6 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Check to see if the person receiving the privilege has signed a Confidentiality Agreement.

      2. Note:  Employee's reporting authority will be activated after signing the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS

      3. Enter Expiration date if appropriate.

      4. Note: Privilege expires on day of termination by default.

      5. Select whether the person cannot or CAN or can ONLY grant the privilege to others.
      6. Click Finish button.
      7. As needed click links to grant additional privileges, or click Close button.
      step 9

      Repeat Steps 1 – 8 as needed to assign reporting authority for other awards (PTAs) owned by the Principal Owner.

      See What Happens Next?

      back to top

      Grant Reporting Authority for Specific Award Types in an Organization (8 steps)

      step 1

      Launch Stanford's Authority Manager web application:

      Note:  You must have the specific authority you are granting AND it must be checked Grantable.
      1. Click
      2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
      3. Click GRANT authority link in the Grant Authority section of the Home page.
      step 2

      Find the person to be granted authority (Step 1 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter the SUNet ID or the Name of the person in the Search field.

      2. Note:  Using the SUNet ID is an easier, more reliable search.

      3. Click Search button.
      4. Click the employee's name from the search results. Repeat the search to find the correct person.
      step 3

      Select a business function (Step 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting link under Financial system GL.
      step 4

      Select the organization scope (Step 3 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Enter an Org Name or 4-character Org Code in the Search field.
      2. Click Search button.

      3. ~ OR ~
      4. Scroll down and click the Org Name from the list displayed.
      step 5

      Select the privilege you want to assign (Step 4 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Reporting Salary Award or Reporting Non-Salary Award link.

      2. Note:  Reporting Salary Award also grants access to non-salary data.
      step 6

      Set limits for the Report User privilege (Step 5 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Click Award Types link.
      step 7

      Select Award type(s) (Step 5, page 2 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Select Award type(s).
      2. Click Next button.
      step 8

      Set conditions for this assignment (Step 6 in the Grant Authority popup window):

      1. Check to see if the person receiving the privilege has signed a Confidentiality Agreement.

      2. Note:  Employee's reporting authority will be activated after signing the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS

      3. Enter Expiration date if appropriate.

      4. Note:  Privilege expires on day of termination by default.

      5. Select whether the person cannot or CAN or can ONLY grant the privilege to others.
      6. Click Finish button.
      7. As needed click links to grant additional privileges, or click Close button.

      See What Happens Next?

      back to top

      What Happens Next?

      • Every night new authority assignments and changes to existing assignments are sent to ReportMart3.
      • Reporting authority for ReportMart3 will be enabled after the grantee has signed the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS.
      • Reminder emails will be sent to the employee until the Confidentiality Agreement pre-requisite has been met.


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