Crew Info

It takes a lot of people to put on a fully staged show and crew members are always welcome. Volunteers who join the crew typically receive two complimentary tickets to the show. For most positions, little or no prior experience is needed, plus it's a great opportunity to check out the Savoyards!

If you are interested in participating, please e-mail

A Sampling of Positions:

Technical Crew Positions:
  • Carpenters
  • Painters
  • Seamstresses
  • Run crew - crew members who assist during the performance with sets and props
  • Various tech crew, such as board or supertitles ops

Non-Technical Crew Positions:
  • Publicity Assistants
  • House Manager
  • Ushers

Artistic Crew Positions:
  • Lighting Design
  • Set Design
  • Costume Design
  • Makeup Design
  • Props Design

All of our set builds are located in the Commissary, next to the Stanford Auxiliary Library. (Directions).

To stay informed about auditions and performances, including special events and promotions, please make sure to subscribe to our mailing list.

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