Past Shows

The Stanford Savoyards began in 1973, performing a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta at least once each year, and usually once per semester. The first show was a sold-out production of The Pirates of Penzance in Dinkelspiel Auditorium, financed by a $600 grant from the Dean of Students office. The policemen's chorus wore uniforms borrowed from the Stanford Police Department. Ticket prices were $2 for adults, $1 for students.

More unusual productions include an Iolanthe in 1974 that referenced the Watergate hearings, The Sorcerer in 2006 set in India with Bollywood-style costumes and dances, and the recent HMS Pinafore set aboard the bridge of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation. In the 1980s we occasionally produced other (non-G&S) shows, mostly during the summer months.

We’ve performed all the Savoy Operas (of which there are 13 G&S shows) at least once and most at least six or seven times, including The Grand Duke which we premiered in Spring 2007. We’ve also presented Gilbert and Sullivan’s works with other collaborators – The Zoo and Cox and Box.

Reviews and publicity for certain shows may be found in the "Savs in the News" section of our web site. (still in process of being developed)

Posters and photos from both rehearsals and the production may be found in the show subpages.

To stay informed about auditions and performances, including special promotions, please make sure to subscribe to our mailing list and like us on Facebook.

Season/year - Production - Direction Team
Spring 2014 - Patience - Anderson/Finkelstein
Winter 2014 - The Mikado - Haletky/Schaeffer/Whalon
Spring 2013 - The Sorcerer - Yaeger/Haletky/Erman/Beltracchi
Winter 2013 - HMS Pinafore: The Next Generation - Graham/Heiman/Soundararajan
Spring 2012 - Ruddigore - Zawilski/Brown
Winter 2012 - Pirates of Penzance - Herberg/Lowe
Spring 2011 - Iolanthe - Erman
Winter 2011 - Princess Ida - Yaeger/Anderson
Spring 2010 - The Zoo (and Revue) - Anderson/Kastrop/Roth
Winter 2010 - The Mikado - Anderson/Gerber
Spring 2009 - The Gondoliers - Yaeger/Gerber
Fall 2008 - HMS Pinafore - Morganson/Iqbal
Spring 2008 - Yeoman of the Guard
Fall 2007 - Pirates of Penzance - McCann/Kim/Bowen
Spring 2007 - The Grand Duke - Anderson/Euresti
Fall 2006 - Sorcerer - Erman/Euresti
Spring 2006 - Ruddigore - Criddle/Lazaro/Gunn/McCann
Fall 2005 - Mikado - Anderson/Euresti
Spring 2005 - Iolanthe - Lo/Taylor
Fall 2004 - Pinafore - Erman/Rosen
Spring 2004 - Patience - Erman/Euresti (Terman)
Fall 2003 - Pirates of Penzance - Worth/Euresti (Terman-Prod)
Spring 2003 - Gondoliers (30th Anniversary Reunion) - Lo/Euresti
Cool HMS Pinafore set photo courtesy of Voidampersands PhotostreamCool HMS Pinafore set photo courtesy of Voidampersands Photostream

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