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State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF)

Information on the SFSF, which is intended to avert layoffs and advance reform in the areas of teacher quality, standards and assessments, data to improve instruction, and support of struggling schools.

Funding Information

Phase II

The last 10 percent of SFSF funds are contingent on approval of an application that commits the state to extensive new data collection activities. Information on the Phase II application process and links to California’s application are available through the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Phase II Web Portal.

Phase I

U.S. Department of Education has released State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Applicant Information (Outside Source), on the application process, the use of funds by LEAs, and its plan for monitoring state and local use of the funds.

California's Applications for Funding under the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program (Outside Source)


Questions:  Government Affairs Branch | | 916 319-0821