Healthy Cities, Healthy Community Initiative

The mission of the Healthy Cities, Healthy Community Initiative is to encourage healthy social, cultural and physical environments that promote and support health, well-being and creative expression for ourselves, our families and our communities.

The seven objectives developed by the stakeholder group for implementation in FY 2016/FY 2017 include: 

  1. Create a welcome packet for new residents that orients individuals and families to the many health and wellness opportunities available in Palo Alto.
  2. Include Healthy City/Healthy Community goals, policies and programs in the Comprehensive Plan Update.
  3. Advance specific and safe Bike/Pedestrian Plan projects.
  4. Implement a City of Palo Alto Employee Health and Wellness Initiative.
  5. In partnership with the business community, coordinate a forum for local businesses to share and learn about workplace health and wellness best practices and encourage the adoption of similar employee health and wellness initiatives.
  6. In partnership with community partners, coordinate an annual Health Fair that promotes community health and wellbeing.
  7. In partnership with community partners, establish specific metrics to measure progress.

Four more information on the Healthy Cities, Healthy Community Initiative, please contact Kristen O'Kane, Assistant Director, Community Services Department

Last Updated: Apr 11, 2016
Revision Date: 3/31/2016
Revision Date: 3/31/2016