

Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency

Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency: The Role of Intelligence and Political Leadership in Ending the Bosnian War

This collection consists of more than 300 declassified documents related to the Director of Central Intelligence Interagency Balkan Task Force (BTF) and the role of intelligence in supporting policymaking during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. The compilation contains Statements of Conclusions from National Security Council meetings where senior officials made decisions on the Bosnian conflict, BTF memoranda pertaining to those meetings, key intelligence assessments, and selected materials from the State Department, White House, Department of Defense, and William J. Clinton Presidential Library. The records center around 1995, the year in which the Dayton Accords ending the Bosnian War were signed.


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Documents in this Collection

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Document Number: 5235e80d993294098d517566
PDF icon 1995-09-08.pdf147.97 KB

Document Number: 5235e80c993294098d517494
PDF icon 1995-10-26A.pdf415.43 KB

Document Number: 5235e80d993294098d517586
PDF icon 1994-04-08A.pdf1.19 MB

Document Number: 5235e80d993294098d517555
PDF icon 1995-09-28B.pdf85.76 KB
