Adolescent Bariatric Surgery

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford provides bariatric surgery as an obesity treatment option through the Center for Healthy Weight. Adolescent bariatric surgery alters the stomach and/or intestines to treat severe obesity. Severely obese adolescents may be candidates for bariatric surgery if they:

  • Have not had success with any other means of weight loss 
  • Are suffering from serious complications related to his or her weight 

The procedure is anything but a “quick fix” for obesity and cannot be considered lightly. Potential patients must meet strict criteria and are first evaluated in our Pediatric Weight Clinic. Together with their families, they must also commit to lifelong lifestyle changes.

Patients who undergo bariatric surgery and follow postoperative guidelines may lose more than half of their excess body weight and may reduce or eliminate obesity-related diseases (comorbidities). Most of our patients have lost at least half of their excess weight.

In 2004, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford was the first children’s hospital in California to offer bariatric surgery to adolescents. It remains one of the few children’s hospitals in the U.S., and the only one on the West Coast, to provide this treatment to adolescents. Our bariatric surgery team works in close relationship with the adult Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence at Stanford and share the same diagnostic and treatment protocols.

Matias Bruzoni, MD, leads the Stanford Children's Health adolescent bariatric surgery team. It is a multidisciplinary group of clinicians who are trained to treat the unique needs of bariatric surgery patients. In addition, the Stanford Children’s Health surgeons and other Center for Healthy Weight team members refine and evaluate new surgical procedures with local, national and international colleagues.

Contact Us

For more information about bariatric surgery at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, please contact:

Megan Stevens, NP
Program Coordinator
(650) 723-6439

If you are looking for bariatric surgery information for adults, please visit the Stanford Hospital & Clinics Bariatric Surgery program web pages.