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I-9 Central

Federal law requires that every employer* who recruits, refers for a fee, or hires an individual for employment in the U.S. must complete Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Form I-9 will help you verify your employee's identity and employment authorization..

*NOTE: We will refer to both employers and agricultural recruiters and referrers for a fee collectively as "employers" throughout I-9 Central.

Notice: Form I-9 Verification During EAD Production Delays Due to COVID-19

Latest Headlines

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad F. Wolf decided to extend the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for South Sudan for 18 months, through May 2, 2022. Current beneficiaries who want to maintain their status must re-register Nov. 2, 2020, through Jan. 4, 2021.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites you to participate in an E-Verify Account Management Listening Session on Nov. 5 from 2 – 3:30 p.m.
E-Verify is developing new features and enhancing our policies to improve program integrity. In our efforts to increase customer engagement and strengthen program compliance, we are also launching a communication campaign to remind employers of their roles and responsibilities in the Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) process.


Image of the form I-9 that is filled out by employers and employees

Form I-9

All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States.
Three men and three women in an office. Two women are standing and the third is in a wheel chair. Two of the men are sitting on a table while the third man is leaning on the back of the wheelchair.All of the people are dressed in professional attire for an office setting.

Preventing Discrimination

We provide information on employee rights and preventing discrimination in the workplace.
Woman sitting at a desk working on a laptop computer with a headset on.

Learning Resources

Explore multimedia content to learn about what the employment eligibility verification process means to you, including your rights, your roles, your employer's responsibilities, and your privacy.
Women and men gathered together in professional attire smiling at the camera

Handbook for Employers

Read our guidance for completing Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, in the M-274, Handbook for Employers.