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PBS Diorama

How Coral Grows | Diorama | PBS Digital Studios

5,854 views 4 months ago
How does coral grow? Set out on an underwater adventure to the scene below the waves around Andros Island - one of the largest barrier reefs in the world - with DIORAMA at The American Museum of Natural History. For more, visit http://thirteen.org/diorama/ The astounding colors and shapes of the Caribbean's Andros Reef are created by colonies of small, soft-bodied coral polyps whose hard skeletons form the unearthly architecture of the reef's structure. While you're there, go way back in a film reel time machine to a 1930's Andros. See scientists and artists study, document, and even paint underwater with the aid of diving suits, in order to recreate this subsurface setting.

Features interviews with AMNH scientists and curators Melanie Stiassny and John Sparks. Show less
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