Asian American Studies Chicana/o Studies Jewish studies Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Native American Studies

Honors Program

"My honors research experience was a turning point in my undergraduate education. Prior to the year-long project, I primarily envisioned myself as a consumer of knowledge. But the project helped me to re-position my thinking to also contribute to the field as well." -- CSRE Alumna

See below to read past honors theses.

If you would like to apply for an Honors Research Grant, please refer to the guidelines listed in this pdf download and complete the online form.

How to pursue honors as a major
Majors in each of the study areas who meet academic qualifications (at least a grade point average of 'B+' in the major) may apply for admission to the Honors Program. Majors are expected to participate in a Spring Quarter junior workshop in preparation for their honors thesis research and then spend the three quarters of senior year in an Honors Seminar designed to provide support and mentorship to students pursuing thesis research. More than 50% of CSRE-related majors choose to write an Honors Thesis each year.

Students must select a faculty advisor and a secondary reader who agree to provide support and review the students final project for assessment. Thesis students also present their work in an Honors Colloquium towards the end of Spring quarter.

The Senior Honors Seminar is coordinated by the Director of the Undergraduate Program and the Senior Seminar Coordinator (an advanced graduate student selected who leads the seminar for two years).

How to pursue honors as for minors and non-majors
The Interdisciplinary Honors Program for Non-Majors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity is intended to complement study in any major. Students who participate in the Honors Program receive their degree from their program of study with departmental honors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity.

Honors certification is open to students majoring in any field with a GPA in their chosen major of 3.5 (or better) and an overall GPA of 3.3 or better. Students apply for entry by Spring quarter of the junior year (deadline June 1), but students are encouraged to begin earlier.

The application describes how the student will fulfill the course requirements for interdisciplinary honors in CSRE and includes a proposal describing the project that is approved by the faculty advisor and director of the undergraduate program. Students are required to identify both a faculty advisor and a second reader for the thesis project. Applications are available in the CSRE Undergraduate Program office and on the program website.

Requirements: CSRE Interdisciplinary Honors students are required to take the following courses:

  • CSRE 196C. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
  • a second course identified as core or foundational to CSRE
  • a core, foundational, thematic, or cognate course related to the topic of the proposal or honors research (selected in consultation with the thesis advisor)
  • CSRE 200X. Senior Seminar
  • CSRE 200Y. and 200Z. CSRE Senior Honors Research
These courses must be completed with a grade of B+ or better for the honors program.

Thesis Repository
Beginning with the Class of 2009, CSRE Honors Theses are available on this site. The list of theses titles demonstrates the range of topics and interests supported by the Honors program and the ethnic studies majors. Further review of the abstracts show the interdisciplinary nature of these programs through the diverse methodologies utilized to conduct student research.

For a complete listing of past honors theses, please visit the archive.

2011 Honors Thesis Repository
Click on the thesis title to read the thesis.

Student Name Major Thesis Title
Donovan Ervin CSRE We Shall Overcome: The Anti-Apartheid Movement and its Effects on the Stanford Community
A-lan Holt CSRE 8BALL | Towards a Politic of Impossibility
Kelsey King CSRE Ways of Being White: Examining White Identity Formation and Social and Academic Integration of Low-Income White Students at Elite Universities
Jennifer Price CSRE Crime and Cinema: Latin American Film Portrayals of Afro-Latinos in the Favelas and Barrios of Brazil and Venezuela
Stephanie Otani-Sunamoto CSRE Living Out Loud: (De)Constructing the Multiracial Individual
Luke Wigren CSRE iViva Turismo!: Overcoming Racial Borders through a Trans-American, Transnational Social Movement of Travel, Art, Language, Community Organizing, and Youth Activism
Pilar Wong CSRE The Power of the Uniform: The Transition from Soldier to Native

450 Serra Mall, Building 360, Stanford, CA 94305-2032
Copyright ©2009, Center for Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity