Monday, February 8, 2016

Still looking for a summer research project? The Stanford Earth Summer Undergraduate Research program is still looking for students for a number of exciting opportunities (see below). Most projects do not require prior experience in the Earth sciences! Some are very quantitative, some involve biology and chemistry, some use primarily social science methods—there is something for everyone! Interested students should reach out directly to the faculty member or graduate student listed to learn more. 

For more on the program and the application process, and to see even more projects, please visit the website or email Applications are due February 26th, however the proposal writing process takes time so don't wait until the last minute!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

The CDDRL Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Honors Program aims to provide an opportunity for eligible seniors focusing on democracy, economic development, and rule of law subjects in any university department to earn honors in democracy, development, and rule of law (DDRL).

CDDRL seeks a diverse group of undergraduate majors for the program from any department or interdisciplinary program interested in writing their senior theses on a subject touching upon DDRL with a global impact. Students will work to complete their thesis under the guidance and consultation of CDDRL faculty, but may have a primary thesis advisor from their own department. Upon fulfilling individual department course requirements and completing the honors program, the student will graduate in his/her major with a certificate of honors in Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Spend the last day of Spring Break visiting multiple Bay area companies, and get a taste of a variety of careers… in just two days! Explore careers for students pursuing liberal arts degrees, in industries from high-tech to social impact. 

On this Career Exploration Trek, you’ll get insider access to some exciting companies in the Bay Area and spend two days packed with exposure to areas like Product Development, Communications, Project Management, Business Development, and Marketing. Meals and transportation are all included.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Roberta Bowman Denning Fund for Humanities and Technology recently awarded grants to humanities projects that will use digital technology to produce new scholarship. 

A grant was awarded to THOMAS MULLANEY, associate professor of history, for his proposal “China’s Other Population Crisis: Funeral Reform and Grave Relocation in Modern China.” Mullaney’s team will employ geospatial mapping to track the relocation of graves in modern China, where expanding economic development has led to the exhumation and reburial of 10 million corpses in the past decade alone.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Precourt Institute for Energy (PIE) is pleased to announce the inaugural 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research in Energy Program (SUPER). The program allows Stanford undergraduates to engage in an energy-related research project under the mentorship of a faculty advisor. Among other requirements, students must conduct research and participate in weekly seminars during a 10-week summer term from June 16th to August 21st. Funded participants will receive a $6,400 stipend. Applications are due March 2, 2015.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In Green Corps’ yearlong paid program, you’ll get intensive training in the skills you need to make a difference in the world. You’ll get hands-on experience fighting to solve urgent environmental problems — global warming, deforestation, water pollution, factory farming and many others — with groups like Sierra Club and Food & Water Watch. And when you graduate from Green Corps, we’ll help you find a career with one of the nation’s leading environmental and social change groups.

For more information, visit or contact Joshua Buswell-Charkow, Executive Director at

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Freeman Spogli Institute and the Bing Overseas Studies Program are excited to announce a new program that will provide students with rigorous, immersive field research training. This inaugural project will support 8-10 students as they work closely with economics professor Frank Wolak and his research team from the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

It is our pleasure to present to you Volume 8, Number 1 of Intersect, bringing with it a brand new Intersect editing team and a prolific quarterly publishing schedule. We welcome our returning readers back to the field of Science, Technology, and Society, and look forward to introducing new readers to our academic community.

Check out the new edition here

Monday, December 8, 2014

The IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute is currently accepting applications. The two-year fellowship provides a unique opportunity for recent bachelor’s and master’s degree recipients to gain science and technology policy experience. 

Policy research will focus on areas such as energy and the environment, education, information and communication technologies, innovation and competitiveness, national security, and international cooperation. Fellows will be involved in collaborative research for leaders in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in the Executive Office of the President and for federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Applications are being accepted until January 30, 2015. Click here for the application. If you have any questions, please contact...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Kiva Internships provide a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to gain exposure into the non-profit, microlending, technology, and crowdfunding sectors all from from our headquarters in San Francisco, CA.

Kiva is currently recruiting for the January 2015 Internship Class. Students and young professionals who may be interested in applying for this internship can visit the program website or contact for more questions.