STS is a vibrant field of research and teaching with academic programs around the country. The Program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS), which began at Stanford in 1971, aims to provide students with an interdisciplinary framework through which to understand the complex interactions of science, technology and the social world. After working through a common core of courses drawn from the social sciences, the humanities, the sciences and engineering, students pursue B.A. or B.S. coursework in one of five thematic areas:

The STS major provides excellent preparation for a variety of careers. Graduates of STS have entered distinguished graduate programs, such as Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, MIT's Technology and Policy Program, Stanford's Graduate School of Business, and top-ranked doctoral programs around the world. STS alumni have forged successful careers in a variety of fields, including business, engineering, law, public service, medicine and academia.



Graduates of STS have entered top-ranked Ph.D. and MBA programs and have forged successful careers in a variety of fields, including business, engineering, law, public service, medicine and academia. In a world where graduates are called on to have technical, analytical and collaborative skills, the STS major well prepares Stanford students for a wide range of career paths. For more detailed information on our alums, please visit our Alumni page.



BEAM, Stanford Career Education is your campus resource for connecting with career educators through appointments and meetups to help students explore career paths, identify and apply for opportunities, and cultivate personalized networks that shape their professional journey.

The STS peer advisor team can be a marvelous sounding board to current majors about career planning, while staff and faculty can help you to hone your interests and explore career paths that may be unfamiliar to you.

The STS Office has extensive information on the careers of recent STS graduates. And the STS Linked-In Group is also a powerful network for current and recent STS students.

The Program has created a "100 Job Titles of Stanford STS Alums" document, which is a useful resource for answering the question, "What can I do with a STS degee?" In some cases, we may be able to provide you with contact information for STS alums who are working for companies or in fields in which you are interested.