Overview: Customer Service Standards and How to Get Help

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Customer Service Standards

The Tax Department is tasked with ensuring compliance across the University with all applicable tax laws and regulations. Tax compliance is critical to maintaining the University's tax exempt status. Consulting with clients throughout the University is a key function of the work of the Tax Department, and staff are committed to working with you to develop compliant solutions.

The Tax Compliance Department partners with the professionals in the General Counsel's Office, the Internal Audit Department, a network of professional tax experts, and the various individuals and operating units throughout the University that are charged with tax compliance responsibilities.

If you have concerns about the level or timeliness of service, please contact the Tax Director at 1-650-725-1732.

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Contacting Tax Compliance by HelpSU

Responsibility for issuing University tax forms is distributed across several Financial Management Services units. Those requiring assistance with a tax document, a tax withholding question or other questions related to standard University tax forms, should submit a HelpSU ticket to the Support Center for assistance. The ticket will be routed to the responsible unit to ensure an expedient response. Use of HelpSU also allows Financial Management Services to track customer service response times to ensure that customers receive a timely written response.

When submitting a HelpSU ticket directly to the Support Center, please include all pertinent information, including:

  • a summary of the issue or question
  • the requestor's name and his/her Employee ID Number, if applicable (Please do not include Social Security Numbers.)
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Contacting Tax Compliance by Phone or Fax

If you have questions of a consulting nature or require assistance with a policy interpretation, please phone or email the Tax Department contacts. We will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.

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Disclaimer:  Stanford University does not offer personal tax advice. Nothing on this web site shall be construed as the offering of tax advice. Stanford recommends seeking professional tax counsel whenever necessary.