Policy Notes: Required Documentation for Travel Expense Reimbursement

Required documents for travel expense reimbursement are listed below. Additional documentation is required for reimbursements to foreign visitors and students and post docs attending conferences or meetings.

Required Documents

  • All reimbursements require dated, original itemized receipts, AND proof of payment. Credit card payment forms or statements alone are not considered itemized receipts for transportation tickets, lodging or car rental.
  • All reimbursement requests must include statement of business purpose.
  • Examples of acceptable documents:
    • For Airline tickets: An itinerary receipt for airfare, showing proof of payment from a travel agency, airline, or online booking tool. If the travel is funded by government contract or grant, and is to or from a foreign country, travel must be on a U.S. flag carrier and the proper airline code referenced on the ticket. See Policy Notes: Fly America Act and Open Skies Exceptions (Air Carrier Requirements) for compliance information.

      Note:  Stanford strongly encourages use of Orbitz for Business when booking travel. See Overview: Stanford Travel Program.

    • For car rental: contract, itemizing all charges and proof of payment
    • For lodging: Itemized bill showing all charges and proof of payment, unless per diem is claimed
    • For meals: Receipts for meals and other miscellaneous expenses (i.e., taxis and shuttles) costing $75 or more. If no itemized receipt is submitted for a meal, traveler must indicate on the receipt the amount spent on alcohol or state that no alcohol was included in the meal.

Receipts are not required for:

  • Expenses under $75 (record amounts for accurate reimbursement)
  • Meals and lodging if claiming per diem rates

Additional Required Documents for Foreign Visitors

  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of visa
  • Copy of I-94 card
  • Copy of LA-6 (Tax Declaration for Honoraria only)
  • DS-2019 if for J-visa

Non-Stanford payees or Stanford staff authorized to act on the payee's behalf: Submit required documents via the secure Supplier / Payee Request Portal.

Additional Required Documents for Students and Post Docs

Reimbursement payments to students and Post Doctorates who attend, speak, or present at a conference or meeting, or visit a field site or off-campus laboratory, will be tax-reportable UNLESS one of the following two documents are included with reimbursement request:

  1. A signed statement from a faculty member certifying that the travel / activity either:

    1. Directly supports a faculty project, research or scholarship program,
    2. Is to officially represent Stanford University,
    3. Is an integral part of the student's degree work or is directly related to the student's employment at the University, or
    4. Is official University business

    See Certification for Student Travel Form.

  2. A photocopy of the conference program indicating traveler is a speaker or presenter

Primary Policy Source: Administrative Guide Policy 5.4.2

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