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Archive Grant Award Packages: FY 2014 | FY 2013

The COPS Office is pleased to announce the awarding of 209 FY 2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grants for approximately $113 million.

The COPS Office is pleased to have announced the award of 209 FY 2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grants for approximately $113 million.

FY 2015 CHP grants provide up to 75 percent of the approved entry-level salaries and fringe benefits of full-time officers for a 36-month grant period, with a minimum 25 percent local cash match requirement and a maximum federal share of $125,000 per officer position. FY2015 CHP grants may be used on or after the official grant award start date to: (1) hire new officer positions, which includes filling existing officer vacancies that are no longer funded in an agency's budget; (2) rehire officers laid off by any jurisdiction as a result of state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) budget cuts; or (3) rehire officers who were, at the time of grant application, scheduled to be laid off (by the applicant's jurisdiction) on a specific future date as a result of state, local, or BIA budget reductions unrelated to the receipt of grant funding.

Highlights for FY 2015 CHP: As in years past, 2015 CHP applicants with primary law enforcement authority for the population to be served were eligible to apply. Applicants were able to apply for the number of officer positions equal to 5% of their actual sworn force strength, up to a maximum of 15 officers for agencies with a service population of less than 1 million, or 25 officers for agencies with a service population of 1 million or more. Officer requests may have been made to (a) hire new officer positions (b) rehire officers who have been laid off (by any jurisdiction) as a result of state, local, or tribal budget reductions and/or (c) rehire officers who are (at the time of application) currently scheduled to be laid off (by your jurisdiction) on a specific future date as a result of state, local, or tribal budget reductions.

All applicants were asked to identify a specific crime and disorder problem/focus area and how 2015 CHP funding would be used to initiate or enhance their capacity to implement community policing approaches to that problem/focus area. In FY 2015, additional consideration was given to CHP applicants who selected “Homicide/Gun Violence,” “Homeland Security Problems” or “Building Trust” as their problem/focus area. In addition, the issue of school safety continues to be a national priority with the law enforcement community, educators, and the general public. As such, additional consideration was also given to applicants who indicated that the officer position(s) requested will be deployed as a School Resource Officer (SRO). Applicants that selected any of the Building Trust focus areas or School Based Policing through School Resource Officers were encouraged to refer to the report of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing for suggested actions to incorporate into their proposed community policing strategy.

The COPS Office supports the Attorney General's commitment to hiring military veterans whenever possible. Applicants who committed to hiring or rehiring at least one military veteran under CHP received additional consideration for CHP funding. As in previous years, a military veteran hire must have served on active duty for a period of at least 180 days, any part of which occurred on or after September 11, 2001, and have been discharged or released from active duty in the armed forces under honorable conditions.

To view CHP Awards by state, visit the 2015 Award Announcement Map!

2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Grant Owner's Manual
COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Award Selection Methodology
2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Award List
2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Applicant Ranking
2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Award List by Problem Area
Quick Facts about the COPS Hiring Program
2015 CHP Award Acceptance FAQ's Icon: PDF Document
2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Post-Award Fact Sheet Icon: PDF Document
COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Modification FAQ's
COPS Hiring Modification Form Icon: PDF Document
2015 Community Policing Self-Assessment Tool (CP-SAT)
Civil Rights Memo Icon: PDF Document
GPRS FAQ's Icon: PDF Document
SF-425 Fact Sheet Icon: PDF Document
SF-425 FAQ's Icon: PDF Document
SF-425 Helpful Hints Icon: PDF Document
Financial Toolkit Icon: PDF Document
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Fact Sheet Icon: PDF Document

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