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COPS Training: Police Training Officer (PTO) Training

Police Training Officer (PTO) Training

Training Course: Police Training Officer (PTO) Phase I Basic Training 
Mode of Delivery: Classroom
Training Provider: University of Louisville Southern Police Institute (SPI)
Target Audience: Law Enforcement Officers

Course Description: The PTO model is specifically designed for agencies engaged in the community-oriented policing and problem solving (COPS) service delivery method.  The Basic PTO course prepares participants to become post-academy field trainers.    Participants will learn how to use problem-based
learning and other adult learning strategies to coach and mentor recent academy graduates through field training phases.  The objective of the Basic PTO training is to produce graduates of the training program who are capable of providing responsible, community-focused police services; to design fair and consistent evaluations that address a trainee’s skills, knowledge, application, and ability to effectively provide policing services to their communities; to develop and enhance the trainee’s learning from the academy within the community environment through a series of real-life problem solving activities; to formulate learning opportunities for new officers that meet or exceed the training needs of both the community and the policing agency; to prepare trainees to use a problem-solving approach throughout their careers by employing problem-based learning training; and to promote the practice of using community members as partners in problem solving.

For additional information on this course: Icon: External Link

Training Course: Police Training Officer (PTO) Phase II Basic Training 
Mode of Delivery: Classroom
Training Provider: University of Louisville Southern Police Institute (SPI)
Target Audience: Law Enforcement Officers

Course Description: PTO Phase II Implementation course will prepare those who are tasked with implementing and managing a PTO Program to increase their opportunities for success and sustainability of the program.  PTO Implementation course will provide critical instructional areas that will include:
managing the change process; developing support from key personnel inside and outside your agency; how to market your program prior to implementation; how to select PTO candidates; selection and training of the Board of Evaluators; supervision of the PTO program; and document review and management.

For additional information on this course: Icon: External Link

























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