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The Office of Alcohol Policy and Education empowers students to make healthy decisions about their drinking behaviors that affect themselves and the campus community as a whole. We focus on reducing the harm of high-risk behaviors while increasing safe, legal, responsible actions. We offer accurate, scientific, cutting-edge information. If you would like to learn more about our services or refer a student, please see below for more details.  Our services include:

Individual Consultation

Students can meet privately with an alcohol educator to discuss alcohol and drug issues. This may be for personal growth, helping friends or family, class research, or options and referrals for more intense treatment.

For more information, contact us.

Educational Workshops and Seminars

The popular program "Catching the Perfect Social Zone Buzz . . . without Puking" examines alcohol and its cultural role. We explore the question "Why do we drink?" and deconstruct common misperceptions and myths regarding our urge to drink. Students learn about the "Idiot Zone," "Danger Zone" and the "Social Zone." This informative and entertaining program is available to student residences and student groups.

For more information, contact us.

Stanford Alcohol Education Seminar

This seminar is for students concerned about alcohol use and for those concerned about others. We focus on alcohol and may address other drugs. Students either refer themselves or are referred by a Residence Dean or other faculty or staff member. Students complete the following two-step process for this private seminar.

  • Individual Screening Assessment
    An appointment is made for initial screening with an alcohol educator. During the appointment, students discuss their drinking behavior, receive feedback on their drinking patterns and receive a standardized behavioral assessment. This step usually takes an hour.
  • Group Seminar
    The group seminar brings all screened students together for an interactive discussion about alcohol. We define social and abusive drinking and explore current research in the field. We provide an exercise in which we discuss motivations for drinking, as well as the negative consequences of alcohol misuse. The seminar takes three hours.

For more information, contact us.

Academic Courseworks

Alcohol Issues and the Campus Culture
Pediatrics 116 (4 units); offered Spring Quarter
Enrollment by permission of instructor Ralph Castro

This course educates Stanford students about alcohol-related health and wellness issues for the Stanford community.

For more information, contact us.

Internship Opportunities

OAPE is committed to promoting responsible, safe, and fun student lifestyles for drinkers and non-drinkers alike.  We also plan and produce fun social events that de-emphasize alcohol on the weekends by way of the Cardinal Nights program.  We are always looking for students who are interested in joining our efforts. 

For more information, see Student Engagement.

Student on the Beach in Australia
Photo by Andrew Duong, `15