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BEAM in the Field

The team at BEAM is always thinking about the evolving nature of finding meaningful work. Below is a sampling of our team's publications and conference presentations in career education. Interested in learning more? Contact Us!




Brierley, A. (2015). Dream Big, Start Small: Managing Change in the New World of Career Services. LinkedIn Pulse. 

Chan, L. & Patel, S. (2015). Generation Z is Trending: 10 Things You Need to Know about the Future of the Workforce. LinkedIn Pulse. 

Contomanolis, E., Cruzvergara, C., Dey, F., & Steinfeld, T. (2015). The Future of Career Services is Now. NACE Journal.

Miller, G. A. & Nobles, K. (2015). Collaboration in Career Services. Retreived from 

Nobles, K. (2015). How to Ace Your Annual Review. Career Contessa.
Nobles, K. (2015). How to Find the Perfect Professional Mentor. Career Contessa.
Nobles, K. & Miller, G. (2015). Collaboration in Career Services. eBook.
Dey, F. & Cruzvergara, C. Y. (2014). 10 Future Trends in College Career Services. LinkedIn Pulse. 

Dey, F. & Cruzvergara, C. Y. (2014), Evolution of Career Services in Higher Education. New Directions for Student Services, 2014: 5-18. doi: 10.1002/ss.201015. 

Nobles, K. (2014). How to Create Your Own Internship. Career Contessa.
Nobles, K. & Gomez, E. (2014). Best Practices for Using Blogs as a Student Engagement Tool.  NCDA Career Convergence Online Magazine.

Rutt, J. (2014). Creative Ways To Keep Your Interns Working For You. ERE Media.



Martinez, O., Schrader, L. (Eds.). (2002). Choices and Challenges: Charting your career path (4th ed.). Bloomington:  Indiana University Custom Publishing.
Nobles, K. & Miller, G.A. (2013). Leading Innovation in Career Services. In E. Contomonolis & T. Steinfeld (Eds.), Leadership in Career Services: Voices from the Field (pp. 209-219). Charleston, SC.
Rutt, J. (2013). Diversity & Inclusion Scholarships Abound. Diversity Employers.
Dey, F. & Real, M. (2010). Emerging Trends in University Career Services: Adaptations of Casella's Career Centers ParadigmNACE Journal, September 2010, 71, 31-35.


Conference Presentations 


D'Andria, J. (2015). The Recruiters Perspective. Panelist at Beyond Academia, Berkeley, CA.

Dey, F. (2014 & 2015). Future Trends in College Career Services. Keynote address at conferences in the US and around the world, including: CareerCon European Career Centers Conference in Vienna, Eurotech Universities Alliance in Munich, Recruiting Solutions Conference in Chicago, Midwest-ACE in Chicago, FL-ACE in St. Augustine, CCSA in Boulder, GCSA in St. Louis, OCDA in Portland, Fullbridge Online Conference, and Internbridge Online Career Conference.

Nobles, K., Reynolds, S., Chapman, V. & Perez, J. (2015). Best Practices Panel: Career Peer Ambassador Programs. Presented at National Career Development Association (NCDA) Conference, Denver, CO.

Patel, S. & Kim, Y. (2015). We Know Why Women are not Staying in Advertising, Now What Will We Do about It? Keeping Female Students in the Advertising Industry. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.



DuBose, I., Stern, M. & Grant, E. (2014) Applying Catalysts and Growth Mindset to Elevate Student Learning at Stanford Career Center. Presented at NASPA Western Regional Conference, Anaheim, CA.

DuBose, I., Stern, M. (2014). Elevating Mentoring Opportunities for the PhD Community at Stanford University. Presented at The Mentoring Institute at University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.

DuBose, I., Stern, M. (2014). From Start to Sustaining a Successful Mentoring Program. Presented at the International Mentoring Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

O'Neill, J., Murphy, J. & Carpenter, A. (2014). Kiss Workshops Goodbye: New Directions for Delivering Content. Presented at the American College Personnel Association (ACPA), Indianapolis, IN.

Nobles, K. & Angle, R. (2014). Career Services and New Student Orientation: Creating a High Impact Presentation. Presented at the Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SoACE) Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Nobles, K. & Gomez, E. (2014). Connecting Students to Career Exploration Through Blogging. Presented at the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Patel, S. & Chan, L. (2014). Still Talking to Gen Y?  Adapting Career Center and Recruiter Brand Strategy for the Coming Generational Shifts. Presented at the Mountain Pacific Association of Colleges and Employers (MPACE), San Francisco, CA. 
Rutt, J. (2014). On-Campus Events That Strengthen Your Brand. Presented at the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Nobles, K. (2013). Three Capabilities of Innovation. Keynote at The Innovation Forum for Career Services, Raleigh, NC.
Nobles, K & Miller, G.A. (2013). Career Services Innovation: A Study & Dialog. Presented at the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conference, Orlando, FL.
Nobles, K & Miller, G.A. (2013). Innovation Trends in Career Services. Presented for National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE) online webinar.
Nobles, K & Gist, J. (2013). The Passionless Job Search: Finding Your Fit.  Presented at the North Carolina Association for Colleges and Employers (NCACE) Conference, Blowing Rock, NC.
Rutt, J. (2013). Finding the Right Students: Connections vs. Social Connectedness. Presented at the Brainstorm Consulting Campus Recruiting Forum, San Francisco, CA.
Rutt, J. (2013). Finding the Right Students: Connections vs. Social Connectedness. Presented at the Brainstorm Consulting Campus Recruiting Forum, San Francisco, CA.
Nobles, K. & Miller, G.A. (2012). Innovation in Career Services.  Presented at Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SoACE) Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Nobles, K. (2012). How to Use Branding & Design to Boost Your Career Services. Presented at North Carolina Association of Colleges and Employers (NCACE) Conference, Wilmington, NC.