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Cell fate, stem-cell behaviors, and cell polarity in plant epidermal lineages

Martha S. Cyert

Phone: (650) 723-9970
Lab Website
Chemical and systems biology of Ca2+ dependent phosphatase signaling networks
Cell patterning and cytoskeleton organization during development

Marcus Feldman

Phone: (650) 725-1867

Human genetic and cultural evolution, mathematical biology, demography of China population genetics
How social behavior changes neurons and their connections in the brain

Hunter Fraser

Phone: (650) 721-5781
Lab Website
The evolution of gene expression, integrating experiments and computation

Wolf B. Frommer

Phone: (650) 739-4208
Lab Website
Nutrient uptake & secretion, sugar sensing & distribution, pathogen nutrition
Protein folding, protein quality control, amyloid and misfolding diseases
Role of chromatin signaling in nuclear programming and disease regulation
Transcription effects on genomic instability with non-canonical DNA structures

Patricia Jones

Phone: (650) 725-4816

Molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate immune responses

Sharon R. Long

Phone: (650) 723-3153
Lab Website
Biochemistry, genetics and cell biology of plant-bacterial symbiosis

Liqun Luo

Phone: (650) 723-6645
Lab Website
Genetic analysis of neural circuit organization and assembly in flies and mice

Stephen Palumbi

Phone: (831) 655-6210
Lab Website
Using genomics to understand ecology, evolution & conservation of marine species
Evolution of genomes and population genomics of adaptation and variation
Genomics, human genetic and phenotypic variation, evolution

Noah Rosenberg

Phone: (650) 721-2599
Lab Website
Human evolution, mathematical models, population genetics, statistical genetics

Tim Stearns

Phone: (650) 725-6934
Lab Website
Cell organization and signaling and deciphering human genetic variation

Shripad Tuljapurkar

Phone: (650) 723-6311
Lab Website
Demography: animal and human; Theoretical ecology and evolution

Virginia Walbot

Phone: (650) 723-2007
Lab Website
Mechanisms of cell fate specification

Courtesy Faculty

Kathryn Barton

Phone: (650) 325-1521

Genetic and environmental control of leaf and meristem development
picture of Devaki Bhaya

Devaki Bhaya

Lab Website
Molecular ecology of phototrophic communities, metagenomic analysis, cyanophages