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Diversity Facts

Stanford has a long history of promoting diversity within the university. Diversity profiles of the university are presented below (current as of September 1, 2015).

Staff Profile

Gender %
Female 39.8
Male 60.2


Race/ethnicity %
Hispanic 11
White 46.3
African American 3.8
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0.5
Asian 22.3
American Indian 0.2
Two or More Races 2
Unknown 13.9

Total staff: 12,601*
Statistics courtesy of the Diversity and Access Office.
*Numbers only reflect those employees who have self-identified their gender, race and ethnicity.

Faculty Profile

Gender %
Female 27
Male 73
Race/Ethnicity %
African American/Black 2
Asian 16
Hispanic 4
Native American <1
Non-Minority 73
Two or more races <1
Unknown 3

Total faculty: 2,153*
Statistics courtesy of Stanford Facts 2015: Faculty Profile, Fall 2015.
*Includes tenure-line faculty, senior fellows and center fellows at specified policy centers and institutes, and Medical Center-line faculty.

Undergraduate Student Profile

Female 47.6
Male 52.4
African American 7.8
Asian 22.9
International 8.8
Mexican/Chicano 6.5
Native American 1.9
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 1.0
Other Hispanic 6.1
White 42.5
Unknown 2.5

Total matriculated undergraduate students: 6,994
Statistics courtesy of Stanford Facts 2015: Undergraduate Student Profile 2015-16.

Graduate Student Profile

Female 38.5
Male 61.5
African American 2.7
Asian 14.2
International 33.5
Mexican/Chicano 2.7
Native American 0.6
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 0.1
Other Hispanic 3.2
White 36.5
Unknown 6.5

Total matriculated graduate students: 9,128
Statistics courtesy of Stanford Facts 2015: Graduate Student Profile 2015-16.