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Slavic Languages and Literatures. Undergraduate Program


The department supports the study of Russian language, literature, literary and cultural history, theory, and criticism. The undergraduate program provides a choice of several tracks leading to a B.A. in Russian Languages and Literature; Russian Language, Culture, and History; or Russian and Philosophy. The undergraduate program attracts students seeking careers in journalism, business, international relations, law, medicine, and human rights, as well as academia. Russian is still the primary language of the former Soviet Union, and a good command of this language offers a gateway to Eurasia's diverse cultures, ethnicities, economies, and religions.
There are also three minors in the department: the Minor in Russian Language, the Minor in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture, athe Minor in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Each offers a different focus within Russian language, culture, and geography.  Furthermore, the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages offers an undergraduate minor in Modern Languages. This minor draws on literature and language courses offered in this and other literature departments.
Stanford campus has a theme house devoted to slavic culture. Slavianskii Dom is an undergraduate residence that offers opportunities for students to expand their knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia. Assignment is made through the regular undergraduate housing draw.