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The Renaissances Graduate Research Series: "Early Modern Food: Desire, Theory, and Innovation"



Molly Taylor-Poleskey and Ken Albala


Monday, November 2, 2015 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm


Pigott Hall 260-216




The Renaissances Graduate Research Series: "Early Modern Food: Desire, Theory, and Innovation"

For the first event of the Renaissances Graduate Research Series, “Early Modern Food: Desire, Theory, and Innovation,” Molly Taylor-Poleskey, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History at Stanford, and Ken Albala, Professor of History and Director of Food Studies at the University of the Pacific, will discuss Taylor-Poleskey’s dissertation chapter:  "Dietary Theory and Practice at the Court of Brandenburg-Prussia” in the light of Albala’s project: “Japanese Food in the Early Modern European Imagination.” 
Molly Taylor-Poleskey uses food to understand the cultural program that shaped the consolidation of Brandenburg-Prussia in the 17th century, and explores the intellectual climate at court where dietary theory developed in line with the interests and ambitions of the ruler. In her discussion with Professor Albala, she wishes to reflect on the shaping of identity through food in the shifting cultural landscape of the early modern period. 
The event will take place on Monday, November 2, in 260-216, from 6 to 8pm. 
Molly Taylor-Poleskey and Ken Albala will briefly present their current research, before we open the floor to discussion. 
We are looking forward to launching this new series!
For more information about the event, please e-mail: