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Alice E.M. Underwood


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20th century
russian literature
latin american literature
queer theory
gender studies
marxist theory

Alice E.M. Underwood

Ph.D. Candidate in Comparative Literature

Alice entered the Ph.D. program in Comparative Literature in Fall 2012. She is broadly interested in intersections of poetics, sexuality, and political resistance in twentieth-century narrative prose written in socialist or revolutionary settings, and particularly in Russia, Latin America, and former Czechoslovakia. Her dissertation takes on aesthetic and corporeal deviance in late socialism, with a focus on Cuban-Soviet relations, the preservation of Lenin's corpse, and the decay of bipolar global ideology. 

Conference Presentations:

“Constituting the Masculine Body: The New Man in Stagnation-Era Literature and Law.” California Slavic Colloquium. Stanford University. April 25, 2015.

"Male Authorship and Borges' Homosocial Labyrinth." Borges and Philosophy Today Conference. Stanford Humanities Center. March 6, 2014. 

"Apocalyptic Sexuality and the Icarus Complex in Kuzmin's Fin-De-Siècle." Association for Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies National Convention. Boston. November 21, 2013. 

"Unintelligible Utopias and Platonov's Destabilized Members." Graduate Conference on Andrei Platonov. Stanford University. May 11, 2013. 

"Performative and Non-Normative Protest: Mobilizing Gender in Moscow Pride and Pussy Riot's Russia." Clash Zones: Identities in (R)Evolution Conference, Graduate Consortium in Women's Studies. Boston. April 5, 2013. 

"Masks of Opposition: Is Pussy Riot a Drag?" Panel presentation at “Pussy Riot: Performance, Protest, and the Russian State.” Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Stanford University. October 25, 2012. 


Book review: “Performing Philosophy: Masha Gessen’s Words Will Break Cement.” May 15, 2014. Boundary 2. Web: < cement-the-passion-of-pussy-riot-by-masha-gessen/>

Courses Instructed: 

SLAVIC 147: The Age of Revolution: Readings in Russian Modernist Prose of the 1920s-30s (TA), Spring 2014-15

COMPLIT 123: The Novel, The Global South (Collaborative Teaching Project Fellow), Winter 2014-15

DLCL 369: Introduction to Literary Theory (TA), Autumn 2014-15

Communication 12S: Bending the Truth? Propaganda in Media and Culture (TA), Summer 2013-14

SLAVLANG 3, Spring 2013-14

SLAVLANG 2, Winter 2013-14

SLAVLANG 1, Autumn 2013-14


Conference Organizer for the California Slavic Colloquium, Stanford University, Jan.-Apr. 2015.

Guest lecturer: Presented "Sandro of Chegem: Power, Performativity, and Stalinism as a Global South," in COMPLIT 123 course, Winter 2015.

Editorial and production coordinator: Edited, compiled, and formatted The Cambridge Companion to James Baldwin (ed. Michele Elam). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 

Guest lecturer: Presented "Mass Mentality in Soviet Revolutionary Ideology, 1905-1953," in Communication 12S course, Summer 2014.  


Russian, Spanish, Czech



A.B from Harvard University, 2011.