Reports & Reporting

ReportMart 3 Reports

Financial Reporting to Sponsors

Federal Awards

Annual/Interim Status Reports

The Office of Sponsored Research is responsible for the preparation of financial status reports. Typically these reports are submitted to the sponsor within 90 days of the end of each budget year. The award terms and conditions detail what, when, where, and how a report should be submitted.

Final Reports

Most Federal awards require a final financial report at the end of award period.  The final financial report must be submitted to the sponsor within 90 days of the project/award end date. The research administrator must ensure that expenses are complete and have posted to the PTA within 60 days of the project end date. Late report can mean severe penalties for the University, including refusal to pay the final invoice.

Non-Federal Awards

  • Final and interim invoices and reports (monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual and final) will be submitted by OSR without departmental review.
  • Interim reports that require departmental action (budget variance resolution, expenses detail breakdown, carry forward restriction, PI. signature, etc) will be sent to the department for review and approval.


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Non-Financial Reports

Technical, patent, and invention reports must also be submitted in a timely manner. The award terms and conditions specify the requirements for reports. PIs who fail to submit timely technical or progress reports, for example, risk losing their funding, and jeopardize the funding of other Stanford PIs. Recently, Stanford has seen an  increasing number of sponsors, both federal and non-federal, exercise their right to suspend funding in these situations.


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Record Retention

All records should be retained for a minimum of four years after closeout, longer if circumstances require it.

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