Your Role in Financial Management

PIs have fiscal responsibility for project expenditures. This section reviews the elements of  that responsibility, as well as tools and reports to support your decision-making.

Management of Project Expenditures

To authorize the expenditure of funds to be charged directly to sponsored projects, the originating department must assure that:

  • the estimated charge is reasonable and necessary
  • the expenditure is allowable by the funding source and, if charged to a federally-funded project, by OMB Circular A-21 or the Uniform Guidance
  • the expenditure is allocable to the project, i.e., provides benefit to the project
  • the funds are available within the authorized award amount and funding limitations
  • the justification for the expenditure is documented
  • the method of allocation of costs is appropriate and documented
  • the charge is coded with the correct Expenditure Type and charged to the correct Project-Task-Award (PTA)
  • the charge has been processed through the appropriate University system

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Communication with the Sponsor

Sponsoring agencies encourage communication between program officers and PI/PDs on the progress of projects supported by them as well as on project changes.

Stanford policy requires the PI to communicate through the Institutional Official prior to making a change to any of the following:

Objectives, Scope, or Methodology

Significant changes in methods or procedures. The phenomena approved or the objectives of the project stated in the proposal should not be changed without prior sponsor approval. Changes may be required in the event there are problems, delays or adverse conditions that will materially affect the ability to attain the objectives of the project or to meet such time schedules as may have been proposed.

PI/PD, co-PI/co-PD Effort on the Project

If the PI/PD or co-PI/co-PD plans to, or becomes aware that he/she will devote substantially less effort (a reduction of 25% or more in time) to the project than anticipated in the approved proposal.

Long-Term Absence of PI/PD or co-PI/co-PD

The Uniform Guidance recognizes that a PI can be absent from campus and remain engaged in the project. Prior approval from federal awarding agencies must be obtained for the following program or budget-related reasons:

  • change in scope or objective of the project or change in a key person identified in the grant application
  • disengagement from the project for more than 3 months
  • a 25% reduction in committed time


As the PI I am is working in New Zealand on coral reef research as part of the statement of work.  I will be absent from the Stanford Campus but remain engaged in the research project.

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Subaward Management

PI Must Review Technical Performance

Any unusual or unforeseen items should be investigated and related documentation should be retained in the department’s files. All concerns about technical performance must be addressed by the PI and communicated with the subawardee.  In some cases, subaward terms may require specified deliverables in addition to, or in lieu of, technical reports.

PIs Must Certify All Invoices

Review of invoices and expenses-to-budget-to-performance must be done for all  subawards. The subrecipient’s invoices showing both current period and cumulative expenses-to-budget are generally required. Department grant administrators should compare subrecipient’s invoices to established subaward budgets.

The Stanford PI’s signature on the invoice is required to certify that he/she approves payment of the invoice, attests that the charges appear reasonable and that progress to date on the subaward is satisfactory and in keeping with the statement of work.

Subaward invoices require the following statement to accompany the PI’s signature: 

“In signing below I approve payment of this invoice and attest that the charges appear reasonable, and progress to date on this project is satisfactory and in keeping with the statement of work.”

Question/Clarify Questionable Charges

Clarification of invoiced charges should be requested by department grant administrators for explanations of any unusual, miscellaneous, apparently excessive or other charges invoiced by the subrecipient. If the explanations are not sufficient to render a prudent judgment on the allowability of the cost, and if the terms of the subaward permit, department grant administrators may request detailed justifications from subrecipient. Department grant administrators may also periodically request, if the terms of the subcontract permit, particularly from high-risk subrecipients, detailed support for selected invoiced charges to verify their appropriateness and reasonableness.

On-Site Visits

On-site visits are a discretionary monitoring procedure. On-site visits conducted by the PI to evaluate both compliance with the scientific objectives of the project and the appropriateness of the subrecipient’s administrative systems, processes, and charges should be documented via correspondence, meeting notes, trip reports, etc. and retained on file.


Discretionary audits of a subrecipient is an acceptable monitoring procedure under federal regulations, and all of the University's cost-reimbursement subaward agreements contain "right-to-audit" clauses. Formal audits are performed infrequently, however, and departments should contact Stanford's Internal Audit Department before initiating discretionary audits.

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Cost Transfers

Stanford allows timely cost transfers involving sponsored PTAs in the following circumstances:

  • error correction
  • transfers between tasks of the same sponsored project
  • disallowed costs
  • clearing an overdraft at the end of a project


Cost transfers that represent corrections of errors should be completed within three months of when the error is discovered, and no later than six months after the expense is posted to an award. Errors found during the required monthly expenditure statement review process should be corrected upon discovery. The six month deadline allows one month to correct any errors discovered by PIs during the certification process.

If incorrect charges are discovered after certification, they must always be transferred off regardless of age. Transfers onto sponsored PTAs after six months are generally not allowed and must be transferred to a cost-sharing PTA unless the expense also benefited a non-sponsored award, in which case it can be transferred to the other benefiting non-sponsored account.

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Monthly Review of Expenditure Statements

Monthly Expenditure Statements are the official record of project expenses and the basis for cost reimbursements to Stanford.

Expenditure Statements for sponsored project and cost sharing accounts must be reviewed each month by a knowledgeable individual, i.e., the Principal Investigator or designee, so that adjustments can be made in a timely manner and rates of expenditures can be monitored to assure availability of funds. This review is documented by means of a signature on the Quarterly Expenditure Review and Certification Report, RM3 149.

Any questionable charges must be brought promptly to the PI's attention and, if needed, corrected by an appropriate transfer. Transfers should be initiated as soon as possible after a need has been identified. Whenever expenses are moved to or between sponsored accounts, the PI must assure that the project which ultimately pays the expense is the project which benefited from that expense, and that there is adequate documentation to support the appropriateness of the transaction. Procedures governing transfers of expense are defined in RPH 15.8: Cost Transfer Policy for Sponsored Projects.

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Quarterly Review and Certification by the Principal Investigator

Sponsored project and cost sharing accounts must be reviewed and certified by the PI every academic quarter, and recorded by signature on the Quarterly Expenditure Statement (RM149). 

The following certification statement appears on Expenditure Statements for every sponsored project and cost sharing account, The PI confirms: 

To the best of my knowledge, salary and wages charged to this project are appropriate in relation to work performed on this project. All other costs charged to this project are, to the best of my knowledge, appropriate. Where required, corrections have been or will be made through the accounting system.

This certification is the responsibility of the project PI (or Co-PI). A PI may delegate the monthly review of expenditures for accuracy, but may not delegate certification of the appropriateness of the charges with one exception:  The PI may only delegate review and certification to a participating Academic Council member or PI eligible individual who is responsible for a portion of the statement of work and is identified as the Task Owner in the accounting system.

The purpose of the review and certification is to confirm that all expenses charged to the account are allowable, allocable to the project, and reasonable. The certification of salary expenditures confirms that salaries charged to the account are supported by a corresponding expenditure of effort during the time period being certified. The certification also assures that other expenditures are for items or services purchased and used during the project period as specified by the award. It is the PI's responsibility to seek a no-cost extension of the award if that is necessary in order to complete the project.

To be considered timely, the expenditure statement must be reviewed and signed within two months of the end of the academic quarter being certified. Issues regarding the timely certification of expenditures should be discussed with the appropriate Department Chair, School Dean, and/or the Associate Vice Provost for Research or the Research Financial Compliance Services Office. Each school and independent laboratory must retain reviewed and certified Quarterly Expenditure Statements.

Adequate explanation and documentation for all project charges must be maintained for four years after the sponsor closes out the award. Where documentation cannot be provided as to the allowability, allocability and reasonableness of any project expense, including but not limited to expenses incurred late in the project period, the sponsor may deny them. In this case, the PI, department or school will be expected to cover the expense from unrestricted sources.

Any departure from the policy or procedures regarding summarization of Quarterly PI Review and Certification must be approved in advance by the DoR (Office of Vice Provost and Dean of Research) and RFCS (Research Financial Compliance and Services Office).

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Annual Payroll Certification

Federal regulations require certification of payroll distribution (total salaries) for each faculty, staff, ASR (Academic Staff Researcher), student and postdoctoral scholar whose Stanford salary is charged in whole or in part to one or more of the following:

  • Federally sponsored projects
  • Subawards with a federal prime sponsor where Stanford is a recipient
  • Cost sharing accounts for federally sponsored projects
  • Non federally sponsored projects that have adopted the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) Federal Requirements (A-21) or Uniform Guidance

Faculty, and in rare situations designated certifiers, review and certify employee payroll distribution on an annual basis beginning with calendar year 2013 salaries and wage, using the eCertification system. Prior to certification, the financial or research administrator will review the annual payroll distribution for reasonableness. 

Payroll distribution certification is Stanford's means of providing assurance to federal sponsors that effort was devoted at a level that reasonably reflects the activity for which the employee is compensated by the institution. For anyone whose Stanford salary meets one of the four criteria listed above, the eCertification Payroll Distribution System displays salary charges to: sponsored projects, cost sharing accounts, over the salary cap category and non sponsored category, expressed as a percentage of total Stanford payroll for review and certification.

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Reports and Tools to Assist You

My Accounts

My Accounts is a new financial tool that makes information about fund balances in all of your unrestricted and sponsored accounts accessible in one place and that provides automatic updates, adding expenditures and any new funding every 24 hours.     

As illustrated in the sample screen shot below, balances are given for each separate account, along with aggregate balances by category. Importantly, the report calculates projections for each account based on known commitments or prior expenditure patterns to provide a Funds Available estimate. This column is intended to help faculty know what’s ahead, instead of reporting what’s already been spent.  

Anticipated funding is also shown. In addition, you can click on each account and get a full record for that account.  A research account that is your project on a grant shared with another faculty member as the primary PI will appear. Funds that you receive for pilot projects or other internally funded research will appear in the ‘University’ category.  

Staff who are authorized to view your accounts can also access this information directly so that they can better assist with managing your academic program resources— please make your team aware of this. Default settings allow you to decide how you would like to have the information shown - click User Guide in blue font at upper right for details.

Look at the Screen Sample. Then access your own fund balances and projections by opening your SeRA dashboard and clicking the tab at the right titled My Accounts.


FFIT (Faculty Financial Inquiry Tool)

The online Faculty Financial Inquiry Tool (FFIT) helps you manage your University financial resources by providing balances and drill-down transaction details for all your active accounts and funds – including those you manage on behalf of school or department programs. Current, projected, and forecasted balances are calculated using a combination of budget, revenue, expenditure, and commitment information as appropriate for each account.

Access and Authority to Use FFIT

Access and authority to the tool is automatically granted to faculty researchers for all their respective accounts, regardless of where the activity occurs.

For more information on FFIT features and functions, see:

Login to :

My Accounts



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