What Current EE Students Say

Electrical engineers change the world. Here are comments from some of our current students.  

EE website summary
"The happiest times that I had in high school academically were in the lab-room of my physics class, working on project after project. I gravitated towards EE because I am interested in electronics. It was something I did as a hobby. Stanford is known for having an intense EE program that teaches you an insane amount. At the same time the department is adjusting the curriculum to give students more flexibility in the classes they take to allow them to get to what really interests them." –David Ta, Class of 2017

EE website summary
"I have always loved math and I came into Stanford thinking I would be a mechanical engineer. Then I took Professor Brad Osgood's sophomore college class, "Mathematics of the Information Age" because it had math in the title but it turned out to be an EE class. It was my first real exposure to EE and I fell in love with the field. What sets EE apart as a major is its breadth. There's stuff for people who like robots, people who like physics, people who like to build stuff, people who like to take stuff apart, people like me who love math, people who like to code, people who are interested in green energy." –Maisy Wieman, Class of 2014, MS 2015

EE website summary
"I was trying to decide between EE, Computer Science, and Physics. It was a hard choice until I realized that I could do all of them in EE. Electrical Engineering offers courses at every level of abstraction. No matter what aspect in the chain of design interests you, from the theoretical all the way down to transistor-level design, EE has it. I can't think of another major that offers courses at each and every point along the way." –Rahul Prabala, Class of 2016

EE website summary
"I came to Stanford to focus on 'sustainability' but that can take many forms and I was attracted to too many majors. I eventually decided on EE because I wanted to learn the essence of energy and electronics. To me, EE is a harmonic balance of theory and application. I appreciate the freedom that the new curriculum brings. I was just speaking to another recent EE major who came to Stanford as a history and political science student. Flexibility in the curriculum makes EE much more welcoming for those of us who arrived here with our hearts and minds in the humanities." –Diniana Piekutowski, Class of 2016 

EE website summary
“One of the things that attracted me to EE was the reputation of the field, given the success of many who have taken up the major in the past. Another was the breadth of courses and projects that I knew I could have. I could do software, hardware, bioelectronics, signals, etcetera and easily transition to other fields.” –Geraldine Baniqued, Class of 2014, MS 2015