
Researchers must track and account for controlled substances at purchase, during use, and at time of disposal. You may not dispose of controlled substances by disintegration, or by crushing into powder and dissolving in water. The Environmental Protection Group can facilitate the proper disposal of any controlled substances in your research laboratory.

If you are a participant in the Controlled Substances Program, you must request pickup from the Hazardous Waste Program by submitting a Controlled Substances Disposal Request Form, either by fax (x5-3468) or email (cesare@stanford.edu). Click the "Request this service" button above to download the form. For disposal of precursor chemical waste, make an online request.

EH&S only manages the disposal of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) controlled substances (Schedule II through V) obtained under Stanford’s institutional DEA registration. Individual registrants are responsible for managing the disposal of their controlled substances, per DEA requirements.

Any controlled substances discovered within the laboratory that are not accounted for by a registrant (e.g., old containers acquired pre-registration) should be managed as above, with "Legacy" checked on the Controlled Substances Disposal Request Form.