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Cardinal Course Examples

Cardinal Courses come in many different forms and can be developed within any department or discipline. 

INTNLREL 105C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal and
Medical Perspectives (FEMGEN 105C, HISTORY 105C)

Read "Community as Classroom
about Katherine Jolluck's Cardinal Course 
in the May/June 2014 Stanford Magazine.

Other examples of Stanford Cardinal cCurses include

CSRE 162A: Spirituality and Nonviolent Urban and Social Transformation (RELIGST 162, URBANST 126)  –Patricia Karlin-Neumann
A life of engagement in social transformation is often built on a foundation of spiritual and religious commitments. Case studies of nonviolent social change agents, such as Rosa Parks, César Chávez, and William Sloane Coffin, illuminate the religious and spiritual underpinnings of their commitments. Also taught are the theory and principles of nonviolence. The service-learning component includes placements in organizations engaged in social transformation.

DANCE 197: Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America (TAPS 197)  Janice Ross
In this participatory seminar, students find the nexus of art, community, and social action. Using dance, they study how the performing arts affect self-construction, perception and experiences of embodiment, and social control for incarcerated teenagers in Santa Clara Juvenile Hall.

HISTORY 260: California's Minority-Majority Cities (CSRE 260)  –Carol McKibben
This course examines historical development and the social, cultural, and political issues that characterize large cities and suburbs where communities of color make up majority populations. Case studies include cities in Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and Monterey counties, making comparisons to minority-majority cities elsewhere in the United States.

MED 158: Hunger and Nutrition in the Bay Area  –Christopher Gardner
Focusing on addressing hunger in the Bay Area, this course explores the principles and practice of nutrition education; adult learning; working with low-literacy and culturally diverse populations; food safety and healthy cooking. In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank (SHFB), students are trained to serve as health ambassadors, working alongside nutrition educators to assist with nutrition education, translation, and lesson development for SHFB’s diverse, largely immigrant client population.

URBANST 145: International Urbanization Seminar: Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Development (EARTHSYS 138, IPS 274)  –Deland Chan, Kevin Hsu
This course features a comparative approach to sustainable cities with focus on international practices and applicability to China. Topics covered are tradeoffs regarding land use, infrastructure, energy and water, and the need to balance economic vitality, environmental quality, cultural heritage, and social equity. Student teams collaborate with Chinese faculty and student partners to support urban sustainability projects.