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Other Stanford Security Resources

image of hoover tower, large vertical tower near lake

credit Linda A Cicero/Stanford News Service

Stanford Information Security Office

The Stanford Information Security Office (ISO) maintains a trove of information related computer, data and network security at their webpage.

Included on this page are links to:

  • Watch Information Security Awareness Video  This is a very well done primer on Information Security for all the Stanford community.
  • Risk Classifications: This describes Data, Server, and Application risk classifications. The University's Data Risk Classifications are a large and growing component of research data management as they describe what methods for storage and analysis are allowed both by policy and law.
  • Encryption Requirement:  This explains the current computer encryption requirement and mandates at Stanford.

How to create a VPN connection to campus

In order to access certain Stanford assets including secure data storage and library resources, a VPN connection may need to be made with the campus network to identify yourself as a Stanford affiliate.

Stanford Library Data Management Services on sharing and preserving sensitive data

The Data Management Services group at the Stanford University Libraries has put together some information regarding the sharing of sensitive data as a regular part of scholarly publishing.