Who Attends?

LDCX is a by-invitation conference for technologists in the LAM (library, archives, museum) space. The attendees are either invited by the organizers at Stanford, or by referral from another LDCXer--most attendees are in fact “friends of a friend”, referred by other attendees who believe that they would benefit from, and add to, the event.

Generally, to be an LDCXer, you should...

  • be concerned with advancing the mission and practice of LAMs by harnessing technology
  • be interested in both the leading edge of technology, architecture, & practice and be driven to get something concrete done. This is a practitioner’s event.
  • want to learn more about the work of others in this space to help advance your own work
  • want to share what you are doing, and are willing to help others by example, knowledge transfer and sharing
  • are both open to and interested in collaboration at (and outside) the conference.

For many people, LDCX is the place where new trends are identified, best practices are promulgated, new skills are developed, new projects & collaborations are conceived, and a technology agenda for the next year (or three) is established or refined.


Who is a technologist?

For the purpose of this conference, a technologist is someone who focuses on, specializes in, and leverages technology. This includes not only software engineers / developers (whom we love!), but also analysts, architects, archivists, curators, data modelers, devOps, directors, granting agencies, librarians, program managers, project managers, service managers, system administrators, strategists, technical managers, technology collaboration facilitators, UI and UX specialists, and more (all of whom we also love and cherish).

In short, technologists at LDCX are experts of all stripes in the LAM domains who have a technical bent and want to get things done.